Liping Ding
(Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Leader of Digital Forensics and System Security Research Group (DFSS) at NFSRC

Email: dlp[ at] iscas[dot]ac[dot]cn

Phone: +86-010-6266 1800-1288

Fax: +86-010-6266 1500

Office: Building 5, room 12016

Address: No.4 South Fourth Street, Zhong Guan Cun, Beijing, China 100190

Research Areas

She is now a professor at National Fundamental Software Research Center (NFSRC) at Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences at Beijing, China. She is the leader and the Secretary-General of the Committee of Computer Forensics Experts in Chinese Electronic Institute. Her research interests include Computer Forensics, System Security, and Trusted Computing.


  • Professor at ISCAS 2008 - now
  •  Professor at BPPC(Beijing People’s Police College) 1994 - 2008


Liping Ding, Yifei Guo, Jian Gu, and Jingzheng Wu. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Information and Industrial Electronics (ICIIE 2011) of IEEE. Pp.V2-262-V2-267. Chengdu, 2011,China.

Liping Ding, Gujian, Yongji Wang, and Jingzheng Wu. Analysis of Telephone Call Detail Records Based on Fuzzy Decision Tree. Proceedings of ICST Conference on Forensics Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications , Information and Multimedia. Shanghai, 2010, China. 

Jingzheng Wu, Yongji Wang, Liping Ding, Xiaofeng Liao. Improving Performance of Network Covert Timing Channel through Huffman Coding. The 2010 FTRA International Symposium on Advances in Cryptography, Security and Applications for Future Computing (ACSA 2010). Gwangju, Korea. Dec 9-11, 2010.

Yasen Aizezi, Liping Ding, Dilixiati Maimaiti, Qiong Wan . Research on the Helper of EnCase for Digital Evidences in Uyghur-Kazak-Kyrgyz. Analysis of Telephone Call Detail Records Based on Fuzzy Decision Tree. Proceedings of ICST Conference on Forensics Applications and Techniques in Telecommunications , Information and Multimedia. Shanghai, 2010, China. 

Jianchun Jiang, Weifeng Chen, Liping Ding. On Estimating Cyber Adversaries’ Capabilities: A Bayesian Model Approach. RAID 2010: 502-504.

Yongji Wang, Jingzheng Wu, Haitao Zeng, Liping Ding, Xiaofeng Liao. Research on convert channel, 2010,21(9):2262-2288.(in Chinese) 

Ennan Zhai1, Qingni Shen1; Yonggang Wang; Tao Yang;Liping Ding; Sihan Qing; SecGuard: Secure and Practical Integrity Protection Model for Operating Systems. Proceedings of APWeb 2011(T h e 1 3 t h A s i a - P a c i f i c W e b C o n f e r e n c e). April 18-20, 2011 Beijing, China. 

Xiaofeng Liao; Yongji Wang, Liping Ding. A Novel Duplicate Images Detection Method Based on PLSA Model. 2010 3rd International Conference on Machine Vision (ICMV 2010). Hongkong. 2010. 

Xiaofeng Liao, Yongji Wang, Liping Ding. Discovering Temporal Patterns from Images using Extended PLSA. International Conference on Multimedia Technology. Ningbo, China; IEEE. 2010

Tian Shuo, He Yeping, Ding Liping. A Countermeasure against Stack-smashing Attack Based on Canary Obtained through Nonlinear Transformation. Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology (ICIMT 2010), Hong Kong 12.28-12.30.2010

Ding Liping, Yang Qiusong , Sun Liang, Tong Jie, Wang Yongji. Evaluation of the Capability of Personal Software Process Based on Data Envelopment Analysis. M.Li, B.Boehm, and L.J.Osterweil (Eds.): SPW2005, LNCS3840, Springer-Verlag Bferlin Heidelberg. (2005):235 – 248 

DING Liping, WANG Yong-Ji. Research on relevant law and technology issues about computer forensics, Journal of Software, Vol.16, 2005(2):260-275. (in Chinese) 

DING Li-Ping, ZHOU Bo-Wen, WANG Yong-Ji. Capture and Storage of Digital Evidence Based on Security Operating System, Journal of Software,Vol.18No.7, (2007):1715-1729(in Chinese) 

DING Liping, WANG Yong-Ji. Computer Forensics Survey. Journal of Communication and Computer,Vol.8,( 2005):1-10(in Chinese) 

Liping Ding.Computer Crimes Investigation Need High Quality Polices. Journal of Beijing People’s Police College, Vol.6,(2000):12-16(in Chinese) 

Liping Ding. The Application of Information Mining in Computer Crimes Investitation. JOURNAL OF CHINESE PEOPLE’S PUBLIC SECURITY UNIVERSITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,Vol.3,( 2002):47-50. (in Chinese) 

Liping Ding. Study on the Risk Control of Public Security Information Systems. JOURNAL OF CHINESE PEOPLE’S PUBLIC SECURITY UNIVERSITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,Vol.4, ( 2004):71-73 (in Chinese)

Liping Ding, Zong Wang. Study on the Information Leak through Mobile Phones and Public Security Information Assurance. Journal of Beijing People’s Police College, Vol.4,( 2004): 42-44 (in Chinese)

Liping Ding. The principles and steps of computer forensics. JOURNAL OF CHINESE PEOPLE’S PUBLIC SECURITY UNIVERSITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,Vol.1,( 2005): 71-73(in Chinese) 

Liping Ding. Study on the Computer Forensics Curriculums in Public Security Schools and Colleges. Journal of Beijing People’s Police College, Vol.2, (2005):25-28(in Chinese)

Liping Ding, Yongji Wang. The verification and test of computer forensics tools. CHINA INFORMATION SECURITY, Vol.8,(2005):60-63. (in Chinese)

Liping Ding. Computer Forensics Technologies on Network Data Stream. NETINFO SECURITY,Vol.6,( 2005):74-77(in Chinese)

Liping Ding. The technological method of computer forensics and the research on its tools. CHINA INFORMATION SECURITY,Vol.8,( 2005): 32-36(in Chinese) 

Liping Ding. Research on Multi-Dimension Forensics Model, NETINFO SECURITY,Vol.10,( 2005):73-75 & Network and Computer Security(tansship),Vol.11,(2005):25-27(in Chinese)


  1. The Publicity Chair of e-Forensics2010
  2. The Chair of 1st~4th National Computer Forensics Workshop
  3. The Cahir of 1st~6th CCFC
  4. Recent Talks
    ● Computer Forensics Under Cloud Computing, OWASP2010, 2010.10

    ● Overview of Static Code Analysis , CSA SUMMIT, 2010,10

    ● New Types of Network Forensics, National Police Training, 2010.12