周巨民 男 昆明动物研究所
电子邮件:zhouj@wistar.org ;zhoujm@mail.kiz.ac.cn






1989-09--1995-07 美国德克萨斯大学 M.D. 安德森医学中心 博士学位
1986-09--1989-07 中国科学院上海药物研究所 研究生
1982-09--1986-07 复旦大学 学士学位


2007-07--今 威斯达研究所(Wistar Institute) 副教授
2003-01--今 美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院遗传学系 兼职教授
2000-07--2007-07 威斯达研究所(Wistar Institute) 助理教授
1995-07--2000-07 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校 博士后
2011-01--今 Texas A&M University终身教授评委会委员
2011-01--2008-01 Organizer, Wistar annual Ethics Training,Organizer
2006-01--今 Chair, Wistar Seminar Committee,Wistar
2005-05--今 宾夕法尼亚大学博士论文答辩委员会委员
2004-01--今 美国国家科学基金会基金专案评审,评审
2003-01--今 Molecular Cell Biology, PNAS, Genes & Development, Molecular Cell, Development,Developmental Biology, Gene, Mechanism of Development, NAR. PLoS Genetics等期刊复审/编辑委员会,期刊复审/编辑委员会
2002-01--2008-01 SURF summer student selection
2002-01--今 Wistar Training Committee
2001-01--今 Wistar Seminar Committee
1998-07--今 美国遗传协会会员,会员
1997-06--今 美国科学促进会会员,会员




(1) 美国国家医学中心NIH 博士后奖学金,其他级,1999
(2) 美国国家医学中心NIH 博士后奖学金,其他级,1998
(3) 美国国家医学中心NIH 博士后奖学金,其他级,1997
(4) 奖学金奖,一等奖,研究所(学校)级,1986
(5) 上海市高校优秀毕业生,省级,1986
(6) 奖学金奖,一等奖,研究所(学校)级,1985


(1) Chromatin Insulator and the Promoter Targeting Sequence modulate the timing of long-range enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo,Developmental Biology,2010,通讯作者
(2) Genome wide ChIP-chip analyses of dCTCF reveal important roles for insulator proteins in Drosophila genome organization,Developmental Biology,2009,通讯作者
(3) The Promoter Targeting Sequence mediates enhancer interference in the Drosophila embryos,PNAS ,2007,通讯作者
(4) A boundary exists in the LAT HSV-1 genome to separate latent and lytic specific genes,J. Virology,2007,通讯作者
(5) Multiple Promoter Targeting Sequences exist in Abdominal-B to regulate long-range gene activation,Developmental Biolology,2005,通讯作者
(6) CTCF is conserved from Drosophila to humans and confers enhancer blocking of the Fab-8 insulator,EMBO Rep,2005,通讯作者
(7) The Promoter Targeting Sequence mediates epigenetically heritable transcription memory,Genes Dev,2004,通讯作者
(8) Good fences make good neighbors: barrier elements and genomic regulation,Molecular Cell,2004,第1作者
(9) The promoter targeting sequence facilitates and restricts a distant enhancer to a single promoter in the Drosophila embryo,Development,2003,通讯作者
(10) Characterization of the transvection mediating region of the Abdominal-B locus in Drosophila,Development,1999,第1作者
(11) A novel cis-regulatory element, the PTS, mediates an anti-insulator activity in the Drosophila embryo,Cell,1999,第1作者
(12) TAFII mutations disrupt Dorsal activation in the Drosophila embryo,PNAS,1998,第1作者
(13) The regulation of enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo,Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol.,1997,第1作者
(14) The Fab-7 element of the bithorax complex attenuates enhancer-promoter interactions in the Drosophila embryo,Genes Dev.,1996,第1作者
(15) PICK1: a perinuclear binding protein and substrate for protein kinase C isolated by the yeast two-hybrid system, J. Cell Biol.,1995,第2作者
(16) The gap protein knirps mediates both quenching and direct repression in the Drosophila embryo,EMBO, J.,1995,第4作者
(17) Dimerization through the Helix-loop-helix motif enhances phosphorylation of the transcription activation domains of myogenin,Mol. Cell. Biol. ,1994,第1作者
(18) FGF inactivates myogenic helix-loop-helix proteins through phosphorylation of a conserved protein kinase C site in their DNA binding domain,Cell,1992,第2作者
(19) The basic region of myogenin cooperates with two transcription activation domains to induce muscle-specific transcription,Mol. Cell. Biol. ,1992,第4作者


(1) 利用树鼩模型研究绝缘子及染色质在单纯疱疹病毒潜伏期中的调节作用,主持,部委级,2011-06--2014-05
(1) Profiling the CTCF interacting sites in the HSV genome by ChIP-chip,2010-07,Jumin Zhou
(2) Understanding the epigenome through specialized DNA elements,2010-07,Jumin Zhou
(3) Regulatory DNA elements and large scale chromatin organization,2009-10,Jumin Zhou
(4) Regulatory DNA elements and large scale chromatin organization,2009-09,Jumin Zhou
(5) Activating Hox genes: overcoming obstacles,2006-11,Jumin Zhou
(6) Insulator and PTS elements in long-range gene regulation,2006-10,Jumin Zhou
(7) CTCF insulators in Drosophila: a genetic analysis,2006-05,Jumin Zhou
(8) Activating Hox genes: overcoming obstacles,2006-04,Jumin Zhou
(9) Activating Hox genes: overcoming obstacles,2005-12,Jumin Zhou
(10) Regulation of gene activation by insulator and anti-insulator elements,2005-04,Jumin Zhou
(11) Modification of enhancer-promoter interactions by insulators and anti-insulator elements,2003-11,Jumin Zhou
(12) Modification of enhancer-promoter interactions by insulators and anti-insulator elements,2002-06,Jumin Zhou
(13) Modification of enhancer-promoter interactions by insulators and anti-insulator elements,2002-06,Jumin Zhou
(14) Regulating enhancer-promoter communications in the Bithorax gene complex,2002-04,Jumin Zhou
(15) A novel cis regulator element from the BX-C overcomes insulators in the Drosophila embryo,2001-11,Jumin Zhou
(16) The PTS element mediates epigenetic inheritance,2000-03,Jumin Zhou
(17) A novel cis regulatory element, the Promoter targeting Sequence, has an anti-insulator activity,1999-03,Jumin Zhou