郑雄飞,男,1982年生,博士,研究员。浙江衢州人,本硕博毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,硕博期间从事可降解骨支架生物3D打印研究,在国际上较早开展了生物制造与微纳制造的交叉探索。2012 年加入中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所,现为机器人学国家重点实验室类生命制造学科带头人、器官制造课题组长。主要从事器官制造及类生命机器人研究。辽宁省“兴辽计划”青年拔尖人才,沈阳自动化所"所****"获得者。
· 从2004年起开展生物制造研究,历经16年的潜心攻关,已带领团队建立起工程基础扎实、多学科充分融合交叉的器官制造技术体系及初步的理论框架。
· 近几年,学术成果发表在Biofabrication,Advanced Healthcare Materials,ACS Applied Material and Interface等一区杂志上,并获ACS AMI期刊封面报道。
· 科技部“智能机器人”重点研发计划项目首席科学家。中科院"器官制造与重建”先导A专项课题负责人。发改委重大基础科研设施“***大科学装置”***技术负责人。
· 坚持“项目驱动、目标驱动,而非论文驱动”,认同学术论文要“突破关键技术,或者有重要科学发现”后与同行分享的价值理念。截止目前已先后圆满完成了科技部863 计划课题、科技部重点研发计划、中科院科研装备项目、基金委课题等项目10余项,累积得到国家课题资助金额4500万以上。
· 不忘科研初心,多年来开展3D打印可降解骨植入器械研发。在科技部项目支持下,与第四军医大学合作完成了国际首例3D打印可降解椎间融合器的临川研究,相关技术目前已在四军医、北京协和医院临床应用60余例,安全性和有效性得到初步验证。
联系方式:zhengxiongfei@sia.cn; 地址:沈阳市沈河区南塔街114号
- (中科院一区)Wang HR, Xiongfei Zheng* et al,Quantitative Biofabrication Platform for Collagen-Based Peripheral Nerve Grafts with Structural and Chemical Guidance,Advanced Healthcare Materials,2024, e2303505-e2303505 ,通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Wang HR, Xiongfei Zheng* et al,Vascularized organ bioprinting: from strategy to paradigm,Cell Proliferation,2023,通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Guo K, Xiongfei Zheng* et al,Bioprinting of Light-Crosslinkable Neutral-Dissolved Collagen to Build Implantable Connective Tissue with Programmable Cellular Orientation, Biofabrication,2023,通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Wang XH, Xiongfei Zheng* et al,3D bioprinting microgels to construct implantable vascular tissue ,Cell Proliferation,2023,共同通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Xin Liu,Xiongfei Zheng*,Gu, Q*,3D Liver Tissue Model with Branched Vascular Networks by Multimaterial Bioprinting,Advanced Healthcare Materials,2021,2101405-2101420,共同通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Liangliang Huang, Xiongfei Zheng*, Zhuojing Luo*,Fabrication of 3D Scaffolds Displaying Biochemical Gradients along Longitudinally Oriented Microchannels for Neural Tissue Engineering,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2020, 28;12(43):48380-48394,共同通讯作者
- (中科院一区)Wang, Heran; Xiongfei Zheng*. Valve-based consecutive bioprinting method for multimaterial tissue-like constructs with controllable interfaces. Biofabrication 2021, 13(3):1-12 通讯作者
- (中科院一区)K. Guo, Xiongfei Zheng*, Collagen-Based Thiol-Norbornene Photoclick Bio-Ink with Excellent Bioactivity and Printability, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces,2021,13(6) 7037-7050,通讯作者
- (中科院二区)Zhu HX, Xiongfei Zheng* et al. Multi-physical field control piezoelectric inkjet bioprinting for 3D tissue-like structure manufacturing. International Journal of Bioprinting, 2023. Doi:10.36922/ijb.2120 通讯作者
- (中科院二区)Chang, P ,Li, SJ,Xiongfei Zheng*,Liu, YH*,Fully Reduced HMGB1-Containing Peptide-Based Polyurethane Scaffold with Minimal Functional Unit of Skin (MFUS) Enhances Large and Deep Wounded Skin Healing,Macromolecular Bioscience,2021, 12(23):, 2100403-2100415,共同通讯作者
- (中科院二区)Chang, P ,Li, SJ,Xiongfei Zheng*, Liu, YH*,Large full-thickness wounded skin regeneration using 3D-printed elastic scaffold with minimal functional unit of skin,Journal of Tissue Engineering,2021,13: 1-17,共同通讯作者
- (中科院三区)Han Y, Wang H, Xiongfei Zheng* et al. High-precision 3D printing of multi-branch vascular scaffold with plasticized PLCL thermoplastic elastomer,Biomedical Materials, 2024,通讯作者
- (中科院三区)Zhang, Liming; Xiongfei Zheng*et al. Fabrication of multi-channel nerve guidance conduits containing Schwann cells based on multi-material 3D bioprinting. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 2023,通讯作者