S.L. (SHANLONG) LU, Ph.D., Professor
International Coordinator of SDG 6
International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS)
Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIRCAS)
No.1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Office phone: (+86) 010-64847601; Mobile: (+86) 189-1010-2579
E-mail: lusl@aircas.ac.cn; shanlong.lu@aliyun.com
Web site: https://people.ucas.edu.cn/~lusl?language=en
Research Areas
Remote sensing of surface water resources. Satellite remote sensing-based continuous monitoring of surface water dynamic changes, interaction between surface water dynamic changes and regional climate, estimation of lake and reservoir water storage and river runoff, landform changes of rivers and lakes, and United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Clean water and sanitation).
Ph.D., Department of Earth Sciences: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2008
M.Sc., Department of Earth Sciences: Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2005
B.Sc., Department of Civil Engineering: Hunan University of Science and Technology, Hunan, China, 2003
Work Experience
Professor, International Coordinator of SDG 6, International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
International Coordinator of SDG 6, 2021 to present: International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Visiting scholar, Boston University, Boston, USA, 2019-2020.
Visiting scholar, Australia-China Centre on Water Resources Research: The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 2012.
Associate Professor, 2019 to 2023: Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Associate Professor, 2012 to 2019: Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Assistant researcher, 2010 to 2012: Institute of Remote Sensing applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Post-doctoral, 2008 to 2010: Institute of Remote Sensing applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2005 to 2008: Department of Earth Sciences, Zhejiang University.
[1] Lu, S., Wang, Y., Zhou, J., Hughes, A.C., Li, M., Du, C., Yang, X., Xiong, Y., Zi, F., Wang, W., Zheng, Z., Fang, C., Yu, S. 2022. Active water management brings possibility restoration to degraded lakes in dryland regions: A case study of Lop Nur, China. Scientific Reports, 12:18578. (SCI)
[2] Lu, S., Jia, L., Jiang, Y., Wang, Z., Duan, H., Shen, M., Tian, Y., Lu, J. 2021. Progress and Prospect on Monitoring and Evaluation of United Nations SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) Target. Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 36(8): 904-913.
[3] Lu, S., Jin, J., Zhou, J., Li, X., Ju, J., Li, M., Chen, F., Zhu, L., Zhao, H., Yan, Q., Xie, C., Yao, X. 2021. Drainage basin reorganization and endorheic-exorheic transition triggered by climate change and human intervention. Global and Planetary Change 201: 103494. (SCI)
[4] Lu, S., Chen, F., Zhou, J., Hughes, A.C., Ma, X., Gao, W. 2020. Cascading implications of a single climate change event for fragile ecosystems on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Ecosphere, 11(9): e03243. (SCI)
[5] Lu, S., Ma, J., Ma, X., Tang, H., Zhao, H., and Ali Bai Hasan, M. 2019. Time series of Inland Surface Water Dataset in China (ISWDC) for 2000-2016 derived from MODIS archives. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 11, 1-10, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-1-2019. (SCI)
[6] Lu, S., Ma, J., Ma, X., Tang, H., Zhao, H., and Ali Bai Hasan, M. 2018. Time series of Inland Surface Water Dataset in China (ISWDC) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2616035.
[7] Lu, S., Li, J., Zhang, L., Wei, Y., Baig, M.H.A., Zhai, Z., Meng, J., Li, X., Zhang, G. 2017. Lake water surface mapping in the Tibetan Plateau using the MODIS MOD09Q1 product, Remote Sensing Letters, 8(3): 224-233. (SCI)
[8] Lu, S., Zhou, J., Dubee, F. 2016. New allies fight for China's environment. Science, 352 (6287), 781. (SCI)
[9] Lu, S., Zhang, L., Guo, S., Fan, L., Meng, J., Wang, G. 2016. Forty years channel change on the Yongdinghe River, China: Patterns and causes. The International Journal of River Basin Management, 2016, 14(2): 183-193.
[10] Lu, S., Wu, B., Wei, Y., Yan, N., Wang, H., Guo, S. 2015. Quantifying the impacts of climate variability and human activities on the hydrological system of the Haihe River Basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 73:1491-1503. (SCI)
[11] Lu, S., Ouyang, N., Wu, B., Wei, Y., Tesemma, Z. 2013. Lake water volume calculation with time series remote-sensing images. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(22): 7962-7973. (SCI)
[12] Lu, S., Wu, B., Wang, H., Ouyang, N., Guo, S. 2012. Hydro-ecological impact of water conservancy projects in the Haihe River Basin. Acta Oecologica, 44: 67-74. (SCI)
[13] Lu, S., Wu, B., Yan, N., Wang, H. 2011. Water body mapping method with HJ-1A/B satellite imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 3(13): 428-434. (SCI)
[14] Lu, S., Wu, B., Li, F. 2011. Wetland pattern change in Hai Basin. Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(2): 349-371.
[15] Lu, S., Zou, L., Shen, X., Wu, W., Zhang, Z. 2010. Multi-spectral remote sensing image enhancement method based on PCA and IHS transformation. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 16(6): 453-460. (SCI)
[16] Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L., et al. 2008. Remote sensing image enhancement method of the fault thermal information based on scale analysis: A case study of Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault between Jinhua and Quzhou of Zhejiang Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51(5): 1047-1057. (SCI)
[17] Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L., et al. 2008. An integrated classification method for Thematic Mapper imagery of plain and highland terrains. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 9(6): 858-866. (SCI)
[18] Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L. 2006. Land cover change in Ningbo and its surrounding area of Zhejiang Province, 1987-2000. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 7(4): 633-640. (SCI)
[19] Fang, C., Lu, S., Li, M., Wang, Y., Li, X., Tang, H., Ikhumhen, H.O. 2023. Lake water storage estimation method based on similar characteristics of above-water and underwater topography. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129146
[20] Li, M., Lu, S., Du, C., Wang, Y., Fang, C., Li, X., Tang, H., Ali Baig, M.H., Ikhumhen, O. 2022. Time-series surface water reconstruction method (TSWR) based on spatial distance relationship of multi-stage water boundaries. International Journal of Digital Earth, 15(1): 2335–2354. (SCI)
[22] Wang, Y., Lu, S., Zi, F., Tang, H., Li, M., Li, X., Fang, C., Ikhumhen, H.O. 2022. Artificial and Natural Water Bodies Change in China, 2000–2020. Water, 14: 1756. (SCI)
[23] Chen, Y., Lu, S., Zhou, J., Ali Baig, M.H., Chen, F., Tang, H., Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Ge, L. 2021. Hydrological ecosystem changes and impacts after the Zonag Lake outburst in Hoh Xil of Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 6: 100064.
[24] Zhai, Z., Lu, S., Wang, P., Tang, H., Liu, D., Han, Q., Guo, J., Liu, X., Wei, T. 2021. Ocean Chlorophyll-a retrieval using GF1-WFV data-a case study of the central Bohai Sea. IOP Conference Series: Earth Environmental Science, 626: 012021.
[25] Tang, H., Lu, S., Cheng, Y., Ge, L., Zhang, J. 2019. Analysis of dynamic changes and influence factors of Lake Balkhash in the last twenty years. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(3): 214-223.
[26] Ikhumhen, H.O., Li, T., Lu, S., Matomela, N. 2020. Assessment of a novel data driven habitat suitability ranking approach for Larus relictus specie using remote sensing and GIS. Ecological Modelling, 432: 109221. (SCI)
[27] Ikhumhen, H.O., Li, T., Lu, S., Matomela, N. 2020. Larus relictus HABITAT HIERARCHICAL EVALUATION BASED ON A DATA DRIVEN APPROACH. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19(12): 2217-2229. (SCI)
[28] Du, H, Xue, X., Wang, T., Lu, S., Liao, J., Li, S., Fan, Y., Liu, X. 2022. Modeling dust emission in alpine regions with low air temperature and low air pressure – A case study on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Geoderma, 422: 115930. (SCI)
[29] Zhao, G., Yao, P., Fu, L., Zhang, Z., Lu, S., Long, T. 2022. A Deep Learning Method Based on Two-Stage CNN Framework for Recognition of Chinese Reservoirs with Sentinel-2 Images. Water, 14: 3755. (SCI)
[30] Zhang, S., Ma, Y., Chen, F., Liu, J., Chen, F., Lu, S., Jiang, L., Li, D. 2020. A new method for supporting interpretation of paleochannels in a large scale — Detrended Digital Elevation Model Interpretation. Geomorphology, 369: 107374. (SCI)
[31] Zhang, Q., Jin, J., Zhu, L., Lu, S. 2018. Modeling of water surface temperature of three lakes on the Tibetan Plateau using a physically based lake model. Atmosphere-Ocean, doi:10.1080/07055900.2018.1474085. (SCI)
[32] Li J., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Lu, S., Chen, X. 2018. Drought Propagation Patterns under Naturalized Condition Using Daily Hydrometeorological Data. Advances in Meteorology, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/2469156. (SCI)
[33] Zhang, L., Lu, D., Li, Q., Lu, S. 2018. Impacts of socioeconomic factors on cropland transition and its adaptation in Beijing, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77: 575. (SCI)
[34] Zhang, L., Li, X., Lu, S., Jia, K. 2016. Multi-scale object-based measurement of arid plant community structure. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(10): 2168-2179. (SCI)
[35] Zhu, W., Wu, B., Lu, S. 2014. An improved empirical method for large spatial scale surface soil heat flux estimations. Earth and Environmental Science, 17: 1-6. (SCI)
[36] Baig, M.H.A., Zhang, L., Wang, S., Jiang, G., Lu, S., Tong, Q. 2013. Comparison of MNDWI and DFI for water mapping in flooding season. IEEE IGARSS, 2876-2879.
[37] Xing, Q., Wu, B., Zhu, W., Lu, S. 2013. The improved ET calculation in winter by introducing radar-based aerodynamic roughness information into ETWatch System. IEEE IGARSS, 1824-1826.
[38] Wu, W., Zou, L., Shen, X., Lu, S., et al. 2012. Thermal anomalies associated with faults: a case study of the Jinhua–Quzhou basin of Zhejiang Province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(6): 1850-1867. (SCI)
[39] Wu, W., Zou, L., Shen, X., Lu, S., et al. 2012. Thermal infrared remote-sensing detection of thermal information associated with faults: A case study in Western Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 43: 110-117. (SCI)
[40] Zhang, X., Wu, B., Li, X., Lu, S. 2012. Soil erosion risk and its spatial pattern in upstream area of Guanting reservoir. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(1): 221-229. (SCI)
[41] Ouyang, N., Lu, S., Zhu, J., Wu, B., Wang, H. 2011. Wetland Restoration Suitability Evaluation at the Watershed Scale - A Case Study in Upstream of the Yongdinghe River. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10: 1926-1932.
[42] Wu, B., Lu, S. 2011. Watershed remote sensing: methodology and a paradigm in Hai Basin. Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(2): 201-223.
[43] Wang, H., Wu, B., Lu, S., Li, J., Ouyang, N. 2011. Water resources estimation model based on remote sensing evapotranspiration. ISWREP, 2: 936-939.
[44] Wu B., Xiong, J., Lu, S. 2010. Discussion on Remote Sensed ET validation and Land-use Accuracy Assessment. HAIHE River Basin Research and Planning Approach-Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium of HAIHE Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management. 978-0-9807687-1-8: 336-342.
[45] Zhang, G., Zou, L., Shen, X., Lu, S., et al. 2009. Remote sensing detection of heavy oil through spectral enhancement techniques in the western slope zone of Songliao Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 93(1): 31-49. (SCI)
[46] Li, R., Shi, J., Zhao, T., Wang, T., Lu, S. 2020. Soil moisture estimation based on Landsat-8 and Modis in the upstream of Luan River Basin China. IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM , pp.4922-4925.
[47] Zhang, G., Shen, X., Zou, L., Li, C., Wang, Y., Lu, S. 2007. Detection of hydrocarbon bearing sand through remote sensing techniques in the western slope zone of Songliao basin, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(8): 1819-1833. (SCI)
[48] Wang, L., Liu, H., Zhong, X., Zhou, J., Zhu, L., Yao, T., Xie, C., Ju, J., Chen, D., Yang, K., Zhao, L., Lu, S., et al. 2022. Domino effect of a natural cascade alpine lake system on the Third Pole, PNAS Nexus, 1: 1–9. (SCI)
[49] Guo, H., Liang, D., Sun, Z., Chen, F., Wang, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Wei, Y., Huang, L., Chen, Y., Peng, D., Li, X., Lu, S., Liu, J., Shirazi, Z. 2022. Measuring and evaluating SDG indicators with Big Earth Data. Science Bulletin, 67(17): 1792-1801.