电子邮件: zhanghaiwen@amss.ac.cn
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General Information
Dr. Haiwen Zhang (Associate Professor)
Institution: Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: No. 55 Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing 100190, China
Email: zhanghaiwen@amss.ac.cn
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Haiwen_Zhang3
Education Experience
09/2008-07/2013 PhD in Mathematics, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Supervisor: Prof. Bo Zhang)
09/2004-07/2008 Bachelor in Mathematics, Nanjing University, China
Professional Experience
04/2021-Present Associate Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
05/2015-04/2021 Assistant Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
07/2013-04/2015 Postdoctor, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Visiting
09/2018-09/2019 Visiting Scholar, Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, University of Göttingen, Germany (Host: Prof. Thorsten Hohage)
Research Interests
Inverse scattering of acoustic, elastic and electromagnetic waves
Uniqueness and numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems
Inverse scattering problems by unbounded rough surfaces
Inverse scattering problems with phaseless data
Awards and Honors
02/2021 Member of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences
11/2019 Chen Jingrun Future Star, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
05/2018 Youth Academic Award, The Tenth International Workshop on Theoretical and Computational Analyses for Inverse Problems (IWTCAIP 2018), Changchun, China
07/2013 Excellence Award, The Presidential Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences
12/2012 National Scholarship, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
09/2012 Excellence Award, The Presidential Award of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Project Experience
04/2014-05/2015 Numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems by locally rough surfaces, Principal Investigator, Grant No. 2014M550879, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
01/2016-12/2018 Studies on efficient algorithms for inverse scattering problems by infinite rough surfaces, Principal Investigator, Grant No. 11501558, The Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
01/2019-12/2022 Uniqueness and efficient numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems by locally rough surfaces from phaseless data, Principal Investigator, Grant No. 11871466, The General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
01/2023-12/2026 Theory and numerical algorithms for direct and inverse scattering problems by unbounded rough surfaces in a two-layered medium, Principal Investigator, Grant No. 12271515, The General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
Haiyang Liu, Long Li, Jiansheng Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, A Nyström method for scattering by a two-layered medium with a rough boundary, arXiv:2303.02339.
Jianliang Li, Xiaoli Liu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, The Nyström method for elastic wave scattering by unbounded rough surfaces, Journal of Computational Mathematics 42 (2024), 1407-1426.
Kai Li, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Reconstruction of inhomogeneous media by an iteration algorithm with a learned projector, Inverse Problems 40 (2024), 075008 (27pp).
Long Li, Jiansheng Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniform Far-Field Asymptotics of the Two-Layered Green Function in Two Dimensions and Application to Wave Scattering in a Two-Layered Medium, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56 (2024), 4143-4184.
Long Li, Jiansheng Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Direct Imaging Methods for Reconstructing a Locally Rough Interface from Phaseless Total-Field Data or Phased Far-Field Data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 17 (2024), 188-224.
Xiaoxu Xu, Guanghui Hu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in Inverse Diffraction Grating Problems with Infinitely Many Plane Waves at a Fixed Frequency, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 83 (2023), 302-326.
Long Li, Jiansheng Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Imaging of buried obstacles in a two-layered medium with phaseless far-field data, Inverse Problems 37 (2021), 055004 (26pp).
Xiaoxu Xu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in inverse electromagnetic scattering problem with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 85 (2020), 823-839.
Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, An Approximate Factorization Method for Inverse Acoustic Scattering with Phaseless Total-Field Data, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 80 (2020), 2271-2298.
Xiaoxu Xu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering with phaseless near-field data at a fixed frequency, Inverse Problems and Imaging 14 (2020), 489-510.
Hai-wen Zhang, Recovering Unbounded Rough Surfaces with a Direct Imaging Method, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series 36 (2020), 119-133.
Fenglong Qu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, A Novel Integral Equation for Scattering by Locally Rough Surfaces and Application to the Inverse Problem: The Neumann Case, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (2019), A3673-A3702.
Fenglong Qu, Jiaqing Yang and Haiwen Zhang, Shape reconstruction in inverse scattering by an inhomogeneous cavity with internal measurements, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 12 (2019), 788-808.
Fenglong Qu and Haiwen Zhang, Locating a complex inhomogeneous medium with an approximate factorization method, Inverse Problems 35 (2019), 045001 (18pp).
Xiaoli Liu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Near-field imaging of an unbounded elastic rough surface with a direct imaging method, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79 (2019), 153-176.
Xiaoxu Xu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness and direct imaging method for inverse scattering by locally rough surfaces with phaseless near-field data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 12 (2019), 119-152.
Guanghui Hu, Xiaoli Liu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, A non-iterative approach to inverse elastic scattering by unbounded rigid rough surfaces, Inverse Problems 35 (2019), 025007 (20pp).
Xiaoxu Xu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in inverse scattering problems with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency. II, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78 (2018), 3024-3039.
Jiaqing Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in inverse acoustic and electromagnetic scattering by penetrable obstacles with embedded objects, Journal of Differential Equations 265 (2018), 6352-6383.
Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Fast imaging of scattering obstacles from phaseless far-field measurements at a fixed frequency, Inverse Problems 34 (2018), 104005 (24pp).
Xiaoxu Xu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Uniqueness in inverse scattering problems with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 78 (2018), 1737-1753.
Xiaoli Liu, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, A direct imaging method for inverse scattering by unbounded rough surfaces, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 11 (2018), 1629-1650.
Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Recovering scattering obstacles by multi-frequency phaseless far-field data, Journal of Computational Physics 345 (2017), 58-73.
Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Imaging of locally rough surfaces from intensity-only far-field or near-field data, Inverse Problems 33 (2017), 055001 (28pp).
Guanghui Hu, Jiaqing Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Near-field imaging of scattering obstacles with the factorization method, Inverse Problems 30 (2014), 095005 (25pp).
Jiaqing Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, Reconstruction of complex obstacles with generalized impedance boundary conditions from far-field data, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 74 (2014), 106-124.
Jiaqing Yang, Bo Zhang and Haiwen Zhang, The factorization method for reconstructing a penetrable obstacle with unknown buried objects, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (2013), 617-635.
Haiwen Zhang and Bo Zhang, A novel integral equation for scattering by locally rough surfaces and application to the inverse problem, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (2013), 1811-1829.
Haiwen Zhang and Bo Zhang, A Newton method for simultaneous reconstruction of an interface and a buried obstacle from far-field data, Inverse Problems 29 (2013), 045009 (21pp).