
董迪,工学博士,基金委优青,中国科学院自动化研究所研究员,博士生研究生导师,中科院分子影像重点实验室影像组学方向负责人,中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员,北京癌症防治学会胃癌防治专委会常务委员,中国医师协会放射医师分会互联网与大数据影像专业组副组长,入选了“全国医学影像领域学者论文学术影响力排名(2012~2021) Top 100”学者,入选美国斯坦福大学团队和爱思唯尔数据库发布的全球前2%高引用科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists 2022),中国图象图形学会青年科学家获得者,全国胃癌学术大会“未来科学家”,国家科技部重点研发计划青年科学家项目首席科学家(诊疗装备与生物医用材料)。


牵头主持国家基金委优秀青年基金项目、国家基金委重大研究计划培育项目、科技部重点研发计划青年科学家项目等9项国家级科研项目。在肿瘤影像组学和医学影像大数据智能分析等方面开展了长期的研究工作,提高了影像辅助肿瘤诊疗的效果,近年来在医学领域主流SCI期刊Annals of Oncology (SCI IF: 50.52)European Respiratory Journal (SCI IF: 24.3)等上发表论文100余篇,ESI Top 1%高被引论文12篇,谷歌H因子56。研究连续五年(2019-2023)纳入《中国临床肿瘤学会CSCO胃癌诊疗指南》,还被写入国际临床共识,入选基金委重大研究计划中期亮点成果,并获评为首都前沿学术成果。此外,还获四川省科技进步一等奖,获授权国家发明专利25项,申请软件著作权23项。多次在影像组学会议、北美放射年会、世界分子影像会议、国际生物医学工程会议等国际主流会议上做口头报告。




电子邮件: di.dong@ia.ac.cn


通信地址: 北京市海淀区中关村东路95号智能化大厦


邮政编码: 100190






2008-09--2013-06   中国科学院大学   博士研究生/工学博士学位
2004-09--2008-06   北京科技大学   本科/工学学士学位



2020-10~现在, 中国科学院自动化研究所, 研究员
2015-11~2020-10,中国科学院自动化研究所, 副研究员
2013-07~2015-10,中国科学院自动化研究所, 助理研究员
2022-05-14-今,中国图学学会, 高级会员
2021-12-16-今,中国科学院青年创新促进会, 优秀会员
2020-10-24-今,北京癌症防治学会胃癌防治专业委员会, 常务委员


(1) 四川省科学技术进步一等奖“肺癌早期诊断的基础与关键技术研究”, 一等奖, 省级, 2019
(2) 2015年全国发明博览会金奖“光学分子影像微创手术导航系统”, 一等奖, 国家级, 2015
(3) 2014年国际发明展览会金奖“光学分子影像肿瘤靶向手术导航系统”, 一等奖, 国家级, 2014
[1] 田捷, 董迪, 李聪, 胡振华, 杨鑫, 胡朝恩. 基于Unet迁移学习的胃印戒细胞癌图像智能分类系统. CN: CN112861994A, 2021-05-28.

[2] 田捷, 惠辉, 胡朝恩, 董迪, 杨鑫. 基于乳腺癌检测的平板PET与光学双模融合成像系统及方法. CN: CN109589128B, 2020-12-11.

[3] 田捷, 董迪, 张利文, 杨鑫. 基于肿瘤影像的多区域的影像组学特征提取方法. CN: CN110427954A, 2019-11-08.

[4] 田捷, 孟慧, 惠辉, 董迪, 杨鑫. 基于CUDA加速的神经元活动图像动态配准方法及装置. CN: CN106384350B, 2019-06-07.

[5] 田捷, 胡朝恩, 惠辉, 董迪, 杨鑫. 一种基于多角度的选择性光片照明显微成像的重建方法. CN: CN106447717B, 2019-05-03.

[6] 田捷, 刘振宇, 沈忱, 董迪, 臧亚丽, 杨彩云, 徐敏. 一种基于影像组学的多模态磁共振图像差异检测方法及装置. CN: CN105931221B, 2019-03-15.

[7] 田捷, 梁潇, 董迪, 惠辉, 杨鑫, 徐敏. 基于梯度调整的血管图像增强方法. 中国: CN105654439B, 2018.09.11.

[8] 田捷, 梁潇, 董迪, 惠辉, 杨鑫, 徐敏. 基于先验模型的光片显微成像条纹噪声去除方法. 中国: CN104835123B, 2018-07-31.

[9] 田捷, 方梦捷, 董迪, 惠辉, 杨鑫, 徐敏. 光学投影断层成像的检测方法. 中国: CN104865195B, 2018-02-02.

[10] 田捷, 宋江典, 董迪, 臧亚丽, 刘振宇. 一种基于影像组学的病变组织辅助预后系统和方法. 中国: CN105653858A, 2016-06-08.

[11] 田捷, 杨玉洁, 董迪, 惠辉, 马喜波, 施亮亮, 汪俊. 基于仿体的光学投影断层成像系统的几何校正方法. 中国: CN104713864A, 2015.06.17.

[12] 田捷, 宋江典, 董迪, 张帅通, 喻冬东. 一种基于肿瘤表型特征的非小细胞肺癌预后方法. 中国: CN105005714A, 2015-10-28.

[13] 田捷, 张帅通, 董迪, 惠辉, 杨鑫, 徐敏. 一种基于仿体的混合成像三维配准方法. 中国: CN104992450A, 2015-10-21.

[14] 田捷, 张帅通, 董迪, 惠辉, 杨鑫, 徐敏. 图像配准方法. 中国: CN104820989A, 2015-08-05.

[15] 杨鑫, 惠辉, 田捷, 董迪, 马喜波. 多光子激发多向照明显微成像系统. 中国: CN104677872A, 2015-06-03.

[16] 杨鑫, 惠辉, 田捷, 董迪, 马喜波. 多光子激发光片照明显微成像系统. 中国: CN104677871A, 2015-06-03.

[17] 田捷, 惠辉, 董迪, 詹诗杰, 杨鑫. 一种结构-光学-核素多模态成像系统与方法. 中国: CN103800076A, 2014.05.21.

[18] 田捷, 惠辉, 董迪, 詹诗杰, 杨鑫. 一种光学多模态成像系统. 中国: CN103735251A, 2014-04-23.

[19] 田捷, 惠辉, 董迪, 詹诗杰, 杨鑫. 一种光学多模态成像系统与方法. 中国: CN103735252A, 2014-04-23.

[20] 田捷, 刘振宇, 董迪, 杨鑫, 王坤, 彭冬. 一种光声与X射线断层成像融合的成像系统. 中国: CN103690244A, 2014-04-02.

[21] 田捷, 詹诗杰, 惠辉, 董迪, 杨鑫. 一种监测仪器的干扰屏蔽伸缩式装置. 中国: CN203502578U, 2014-03-26.

[22] 田捷, 詹诗杰, 惠辉, 董迪, 杨鑫. 一种监测仪器的干扰屏蔽旋转装置. 中国: CN203490352U, 2014-03-19.

[23] 杨鑫, 刘振宇, 田捷, 董迪, 马喜波, 彭冬. 一种集成光声与X射线断层成像的分离式成像系统. 中国: CN103519789A, 2014-01-22.

[24] 田捷, 郭进, 董迪, 杨鑫, 马喜波, 杨玉洁. 一种基于景深融合的光学投影断层成像图像获取方法. 中国: CN103308452A, 2013.09.18.

[25] 田捷, 施亮亮, 董迪, 马喜波, 詹诗杰, 刘振宇. 一种分离式多模融合三维断层成像系统及其方法. 中国: CN103431912A, 2013-12-11.

[26] 田捷, 彭冬, 董迪, 杜洋, 杨鑫, 刘振宇. 一种光声和荧光循环互提升成像方法. 中国: CN103393408A, 2013-11-20.

[27] 田捷, 彭冬, 董迪, 杜洋, 杨鑫, 刘振宇. 一种光声和光学融合的多模态成像系统. 中国: CN103389273A, 2013-11-13.

[28] 田捷, 郭进, 董迪, 杨鑫, 马喜波, 施亮亮. 一种位置可调的光学投影断层成像系统样本固定装置. 中国: CN103364254A, 2013-10-23.

[29] 田捷, 刘振宇, 彭冬, 马喜波, 董迪, 徐敏. 一种基于迭代自适应加权的有限视角光声成像重建方法. 中国: CN103345770A, 2013-10-09.

[30] 田捷, 尤优博, 董迪, 杨鑫, 刘振宇, 卫文娟. 一种基于模态融合的大脑网络功能连接偏侧性检测方法. 中国: CN103345749A, 2013-10-09.

[31] 田捷, 杨玉洁, 董迪, 杨鑫, 詹诗杰, 郭进. 自动防辐射的FMT和CT双模成像系统. 中国: CN103330549A, 2013-10-02.

[32] 田捷, 尤优博, 杨鑫, 董迪, 刘振宇, 卫文娟. 一种基于模态融合的默认态脑网络中心节点检测方法. 中国: CN103325119A, 2013-09-25.

[33] 杨鑫, 尤优博, 田捷, 董迪, 杨玉洁, 郭进. 一种分离式多模态融合的三维成像系统. 中国: CN103300828A, 2013-09-18.

[34] 田捷, 董迪, 秦承虎, 杨鑫. 一种定位光学投影断层成像旋转中心的方法. 中国: CN102512140B, 2013-07-24.

[35] 田捷, 董迪, 杨鑫, 郭进. 基于图像重叠的选择性平面照射显微成像伪影去除方法. 中国: CN102982521A, 2013-03-20.

[36] 田捷, 郭进, 董迪, 杨鑫. 自动处理景深的光学投影断层成像方法. 中国: CN102973246A, 2013-03-20.

[37] 田捷, 董迪, 秦承虎, 杨鑫, 郭进, 马喜波. 光学投影断层成像系统. 中国: CN102743159A, 2012-10-24.

[38] 田捷, 董迪, 秦承虎, 杨鑫, 郭进, 马喜波. 一种基于拼合螺旋扫描方式的光学投影断层成像方法. 中国: CN102727188A, 2012-10-17.

[39] 田捷, 董迪, 秦承虎, 杨鑫. 一种基于螺旋扫描轨道的光学投影断层成像方法. 中国: CN102599887A, 2012-07-25.


[1] Liu, Ting, Dong, Di, Zhao, Xun, Ou, XiaoMin, Yi, JunLin, Guan, Jian, Zhang, Ye, XiaoFei, Lv, Xie, ChuanMiao, Luo, DongHua, Sun, Rui, Chen, QiuYan, Xing, Lv, Guo, ShanShan, Liu, LiTing, Lin, DaFeng, Chen, YanZhou, Lin, JieYi, Luo, MeiJuan, Yan, WenBin, He, MeiLin, Mao, MengYuan, Zhu, ManYi, Chen, WenHui, Shen, BoWen, Wang, ShiQian, Li, HaiLin, Zhong, LianZhen, Hu, ChaoSu, Wu, DeHua, Mai, HaiQiang, Tian, Jie, Tang, LinQuan. Radiomic signatures reveal multiscale intratumor heterogeneity associated with tissue tolerance and survival in re-irradiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma: a multicenter study. BMC MEDICINE[J]. 2023, 第 2 作者21(1): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12916-023-03164-3.
[2] Mengjie Fang, Zipei Wang, Jie Tian, Di Dong. Predicting origin for bone metastatic cancer using deep learning-based pathology. EBIOMEDICINE[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者  通讯作者  88: 104449, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2023.104449.
[3] Liu, Shengyuan, Deng, Jingyu, Dong, Di, Fang, Mengjie, Ye, Zhaoxiang, Hu, Yanfeng, Li, Hailin, Zhong, Lianzhen, Cao, Runnan, Zhao, Xun, Shang, Wenting, Li, Guoxin, Liang, Han, Tian, Jie. Deep learning-based radiomics model can predict extranodal soft tissue metastasis in gastric cancer. MEDICAL PHYSICS. 2023, 第 3 作者http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mp.16647.
[4] Li, Hailin, Wang, Siwen, Liu, Bo, Fang, Mengjie, Cao, Runnan, He, Bingxi, Liu, Shengyuan, Hu, Chaoen, Dong, Di, Wang, Ximing, Wang, Hexiang, Tian, Jie. A multi-view co-training network for semi-supervised medical image-based prognostic prediction. NEURAL NETWORKS[J]. 2023, 第 9 作者  通讯作者  164: 455-463, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2023.04.030.
[5] Zhang, ShuaiTong, Wang, SiYun, Zhang, Jie, Dong, Di, Mu, Wei, Xia, Xueer, Fu, FangFang, Lu, YaNan, Wang, Shuo, Tang, ZhenChao, Li, Peng, Qu, JinRong, Wang, MeiYun, Tian, Jie, Liu, JianHua. Artificial intelligence-based computer-aided diagnosis system supports diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: A multicenter study. HELIYON[J]. 2023, 第 4 作者9(3): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14030.
[6] Kun Wang, Yang Du, Zeyu Zhang, Kunshan He, Zhongquan Cheng, Lin Yin, Di Dong, Changjian Li, Wei Li, Zhenhua Hu, Chong Zhang, Hui Hui, Chongwei Chi, Jie Tian. Fluorescence image-guided tumour surgery. Nature Reviews Bioengineering[J]. 2023, 第 7 作者1(3): 161-179, 
[7] Liwen Zhang, Lianzhen Zhong, Cong Li, Wenjuan Zhang, Chaoen Hu, Di Dong, Zaiyi Liu, Junlin Zhou, Jie Tian. Knowledge-guided multi-task attention network for survival risk prediction using multi-center computed tomography images. NEURAL NETWORKS[J]. 2022, 第 6 作者  通讯作者  152: 394-406, doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2022.04.027.
[8] 操润楠, 方梦捷, 李海林, 田捷, 董迪. 半监督内镜图像长尾分类. 中国医学科学杂志:英文版[J]. 2022, 第 5 作者  通讯作者  37(3): 171-180, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7108258218.
[9] Gong, Lixin, Wang, Min, Shu, Lei, He, Jie, Qin, Bin, Xu, Jiacheng, Su, Wei, Dong, Di, Hu, Hao, Tian, Jie, Zhou, Pinghong. Automatic captioning of early gastric cancer using magnification endoscopy with narrow-band imaging. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY[J]. 2022, 第 8 作者96(6): 929-+, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2022.07.019.
[10] Mengjie Fang, Jie Tian, Di Dong. Non-invasively predicting response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in gastric cancer via deep learning radiomics. ECLINICALMEDICINE[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者  通讯作者  46: 101380, 
[11] Lixin Gong, Min Xu, Mengjie Fang, Bingxi He, Hailin Li, Xiangming Fang, Di Dong, Jie Tian. The potential of prostate gland radiomic features in identifying the Gleason score. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE[J]. 2022, 第 7 作者  通讯作者  144: 105318, 
[12] Li, Cong, Qin, Yun, Zhang, WeiHan, Jiang, Hanyu, Song, Bin, Bashir, Mustafa R, Xu, Heng, Duan, Ting, Fang, Mengjie, Zhong, Lianzhen, Meng, Lingwei, Dong, Di, Hu, Zhenhua, Tian, Jie, Hu, JianKun. Deep learning-based AI model for signet-ring cell carcinoma diagnosis and chemotherapy response prediction in gastric cancer. MEDICAL PHYSICS[J]. 2022, 第 12 作者  通讯作者  49(3): 1535-1546, https://www.doi.org/10.1002/mp.15437.
[13] Zhao, Xun, Liang, YuJing, Zhang, Xu, Wen, DongXiang, Fan, Wei, Tang, LinQuan, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Mai, HaiQiang. Deep learning signatures reveal multiscale intratumor heterogeneity associated with biological functions and survival in recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING[J]. 2022, 第 7 作者  通讯作者  49: 2972-2982, 
[14] Cao, Runnan, Tang, Lei, Fang, Mengjie, Zhong, Lianzhen, Wang, Siwen, Gong, Lixin, Li, Jiazheng, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie. Artificial intelligence in gastric cancer: applications and challenges. GASTROENTEROLOGY REPORT. 2022, 第 8 作者  通讯作者  10(6): https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000892487000003&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=3a85505900f77cc629623c3f2907beab.
[15] He, BingXi, Zhong, YiFan, Zhu, YongBei, Deng, JiaJun, Fang, MengJie, She, YunLang, Wang, TingTing, Yang, Yang, Sun, XiWen, Belluomini, Lorenzo, Watanabe, Satoshi, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Xie, Dong. Deep learning for predicting immunotherapeutic efficacy in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients: a retrospective study combining progression-free survival risk and overall survival risk. TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH[J]. 2022, 第 12 作者  通讯作者  11(4): 670-685, 
[16] Liu, Yujia, Duan, Hui, Dong, Di, Chen, Jiaming, Zhong, Lianzhen, Zhang, Liwen, Cao, Runnan, Fan, Huijian, Cui, Zhumei, Liu, Ping, Kang, Shan, Zhan, Xuemei, Wang, Shaoguang, Zhao, Xun, Chen, Chunlin, Tian, Jie. Development of a deep learning-based nomogram for predicting lymph node metastasis in cervical cancer: A multicenter study. CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE[J]. 2022, 第 3 作者12(7): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ctm2.938.
[17] Liwen Zhang, Di Dong, Yongqing Sun, Chaoen Hu, Congxin Sun, Qingqing Wu, Jie Tian. Development and validation of a deep learning model to screen for trisomy 21 during the first trimester from nuchal ultrasonographic images. JAMA NETWORK OPEN[J]. 2022, 第 2 作者5(6): e2217854, 
[18] She, Yunlang, He, Bingxi, Wang, Fang, Zhong, Yifan, Wang, Tingting, Liu, Zhenchuan, Yang, Minglei, Yu, Bentong, Deng, Jiajun, Sun, Xiwen, Wu, Chunyan, Hou, Likun, Zhu, Yuming, Yang, Yang, Hu, Hongjie, Dong, Di, Chen, Chang, Tian, Jie. Deep learning for predicting major pathological response to neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer: A multicentre study. EBIOMEDICINE[J]. 2022, 第 16 作者  通讯作者  86: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104364.
[19] Wang, Siwen, Dong, Di, Li, Liang, Li, Hailin, Bai, Yan, Hu, Yahua, Huang, Yuanyi, Yu, Xiangrong, Liu, Sibin, Qiu, Xiaoming, Lu, Ligong, Wang, Meiyun, Zha, Yunfei, Tian, Jie. A Deep Learning Radiomics Model to Identify Poor Outcome in COVID-19 Patients With Underlying Health Conditions: A Multicenter Study. IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS[J]. 2021, 第 2 作者25(7): 2353-2362, http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitedFullRecord.do?product=UA&colName=WOS&SID=5CCFccWmJJRAuMzNPjj&search_mode=CitedFullRecord&isickref=WOS:000678341200001.
[20] Zhang, Lu, Wu, Xiangjun, Liu, Jing, Zhang, Bin, Mo, Xiaokai, Chen, Qiuying, Fang, Jin, Wang, Fei, Li, Minmin, Chen, Zhuozhi, Liu, Shuyi, Chen, Luyan, You, Jingjing, Jin, Zhe, Tang, Binghang, Dong, Di, Zhang, Shuixing. MRI-Based Deep-Learning Model for Distant Metastasis-Free Survival in Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING[J]. 2021, 第 16 作者  通讯作者  53(1): 167-178, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jmri.27308.
[21] Tian, Panwen, He, Bingxi, Mu, Wei, Liu, Kunqin, Liu, Li, Zeng, Hao, Liu, Yujie, Jiang, Lili, Zhou, Ping, Huang, Zhipei, Dong, Di, Li, Weimin. Assessing PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer and predicting responses to immune checkpoint inhibitors using deep learning on computed tomography images. THERANOSTICS[J]. 2021, 第 11 作者  通讯作者  11(5): 2098-2107, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7797686/.
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[47] Gong, Lixin, Xu, Min, Fang, Mengjie, Zou, Jian, Yang, Shudong, Yu, Xinyi, Xu, Dandan, Zhou, Lijuan, Li, Hailin, He, Bingxi, Wang, Yan, Fang, Xiangming, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie. Noninvasive Prediction of High-Grade Prostate Cancer via Biparametric MRI Radiomics. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING[J]. 2020, 第 13 作者  通讯作者  52(4): 1102-1109, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jmri.27132.
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[75] Wang, Chao, Li, Hailin, Jiaerken, Yeerfan, Huang, Peiyu, Sun, Lifeng, Dong, Fei, Huang, Yajing, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Zhang, Minming. Building CT Radiomics-Based Models for Preoperatively Predicting Malignant Potential and Mitotic Count of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors. TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 8 作者  通讯作者  12(9): 1229-1236, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tranon.2019.06.005.
[76] Fan, Li, Fang, MengJie, Li, ZhaoBin, Tu, WenTing, Wang, ShengPing, Chen, WuFei, Tian, Jie, Dong, Di, Liu, ShiYuan. Radiomics signature: a biomarker for the preoperative discrimination of lung invasive adenocarcinoma manifesting as a ground-glass nodule. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 8 作者  通讯作者  29(2): 889-897, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/25645.
[77] Zhang, Lu, Dong, Di, Li, Hailin, Tian, Jie, Ouyang, Fusheng, Mo, Xiaokai, Zhang, Bin, Luo, Xiaoning, Lian, Zhouyang, Pei, Shufang, Dong, Yuhao, Huang, Wenhui, Liang, Changhong, Liu, Jing, Zhang, Shuixing. Development and validation of a magnetic resonance imaging-based model for the prediction of distant metastasis before initial treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A retrospective cohort study. EBIOMEDICINE[J]. 2019, 第 2 作者40: 327-335, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/25002.
[78] Ma, Xiaoxiao, Zhang, Liwen, Huang, Dehui, Lyu, Jinhao, Fang, Mengjie, Hu, Jianxing, Zang, Yali, Zhang, Dekang, Shao, Hang, Ma, Lin, Tian, Jie, Dong, Di, Lou, Xin. Quantitative radiomic biomarkers for discrimination between neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder and multiple sclerosis. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING[J]. 2019, 第 12 作者  通讯作者  49(4): 1113-1121, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/24974.
[79] Fu, Sirui, Wei, Jingwei, Zhang, Jie, Dong, Di, Song, Jiangdian, Li, Yong, Duan, Chongyang, Zhang, Shuaitong, Li, Xiaoqun, Gu, Dongsheng, Chen, Xudong, Hao, Xiaohan, He, Xiaofeng, Yan, Jianfeng, Liu, Zhenyu, Tian, Jie, Lu, Ligong. Selection Between Liver Resection Versus Transarterial Chemoembolization in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Multicenter Study. CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者10(8): http://dx.doi.org/10.14309/ctg.0000000000000070.
[80] Min, Xiangde, Li, Min, Dong, Di, Feng, Zhaoyan, Zhang, Peipei, Ke, Zan, You, Huijuan, Han, Fangfang, Ma, He, Tian, Jie, Wang, Liang. Multi-parametric MRI-based radiomics signature for discriminating between clinically significant and insignificant prostate cancer: Cross-validation of a machine learning method. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 3 作者115: 16-21, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/24569.
[81] Zhang, Lu, Zhou, Hongyu, Gu, Dongsheng, Tian, Jie, Zhang, Bin, Dong, Di, Mo, Xiaokai, Liu, Jing, Luo, Xiaoning, Pei, Shufang, Dong, Yuhao, Huang, Wenhui, Chen, Qiuyin, Liang, Changhong, Lian, Zhouyang, Zhang, Shuixing. Radiomic Nomogram: Pretreatment Evaluation of Local Recurrence in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma based on MR Imaging. JOURNAL OF CANCER[J]. 2019, 第 6 作者10(18): 4217-4225, http://dx.doi.org/10.7150/jca.33345.
[82] Xu, Xiaojuan, Li, Hailin, Wang, Siwen, Fang, Mengjie, Zhong, Lianzhen, Fan, Wenwen, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Zhao, Xinming. Multiplanar MRI-Based Predictive Model for Preoperative Assessment of Lymph Node Metastasis in Endometrial Cancer. FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 7 作者  通讯作者  9: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2019.01007.
[83] Wang, Shuo, Shi, Jingyun, Ye, Zhaoxiang, Dong, Di, Yu, Dongdong, Zhou, Mu, Liu, Ying, Gevaert, Olivier, Wang, Kun, Zhu, Yongbei, Zhou, Hongyu, Liu, Zhenyu, Tian, Jie. Predicting EGFR mutation status in lung adenocarcinoma on computed tomography image using deep learning. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者53(3): http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/23571.
[84] Han Yuqi, Xie Zhen, Zang Yali, Zhang Shuaitong, Gu Dongsheng, Wei Jingwei, Li Chao, Chen Hongyan, Du Jiang, Dong Di, Tian Jie, Zhou Dabiao, Mori K, Hahn HK. Non-invasive genotype prediction of chromosome 1p/19q co-deletion by development and validation of an MRI-based radiomics signature in lower-grade gliomas. MEDICAL IMAGING 2019: COMPUTER-AIDED DIAGNOSIS. 2019, 第 11 作者10950: 
[85] Di Dong. Predicting EGFR Mutation Status in Lung Adenocarcinoma on CT Image Using Deep Learning. European Respiratory Journal (共同第一作者). 2019, 第 1 作者
[86] 任继亮, 袁瑛, 董迪, 施奕倩, 陶晓峰. 术前表观扩散系数图纹理分析预测舌和口底鳞状细胞癌组织学分级的价值. 中华放射学杂志[J]. 2019, 第 3 作者53(4): 281-285, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=7001883801.
[87] Liu, Zhenyu, Wang, Shuo, Dong, Di, Wei, Jingwei, Fang, Cheng, Zhou, Xuezhi, Sun, Kai, Li, Longfei, Li, Bo, Wang, Meiyun, Tian, Jie. The Applications of Radiomics in Precision Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncology: Opportunities and Challenges. THERANOSTICS[J]. 2019, 第 3 作者9(5): 1303-1322, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/23573.
[88] Wei, Jingwei, Yang, Guoqiang, Hao, Xiaohan, Gu, Dongsheng, Tan, Yan, Wang, Xiaochun, Dong, Di, Zhang, Shuaitong, Wang, Le, Zhang, Hui, Tian, Jie. A multi-sequence and habitat-based MRI radiomics signature for preoperative prediction of MGMT promoter methylation in astrocytomas with prognostic implication. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 7 作者29(2): 877-888, 
[89] Lu, Wei, Zhong, Lianzhen, Dong, Di, Fang, Mengjie, Dai, Qi, Leng, Shaoyi, Zhang, Liwen, Sun, Wei, Tian, Jie, Zheng, Jianjun, Jin, Yinhua. Radiomic analysis for preoperative prediction of cervical lymph node metastasis in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 3 作者118: 231-238, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2019.07.018.
[90] Xu, Min, Fang, Mengjie, Zou, Jian, Yang, Shudong, Yu, Dongdong, Zhong, Lianzhen, Hu, Chaoen, Zang, Yali, Di, Dong, Tian, Jie, Fang, Xiangming. Using biparametric MRI radiomics signature to differentiate between benign and malignant prostate lesions. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 9 作者  通讯作者  114: 38-44, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/24912.
[91] Li, Zhicong, Li, Hailin, Wang, Shiyu, Dong, Di, Yin, Fangfang, Chen, An, Wang, Siwen, Zhao, Guangming, Fang, Mengjie, Tian, Jie, Wu, Sufang, Wang, Han. MR-Based Radiomics Nomogram of Cervical Cancer in Prediction of the Lymph-Vascular Space Invasion preoperatively. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者49(5): 1420-1426, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/24926.
[92] Tan, Yan, Zhang, Shuaitong, Wei, Jingwei, Dong, Di, Wang, Xiaochun, Yang, Guoqiang, Tian, Jie, Zhang, Hui. A radiomics nomogram may improve the prediction of IDH genotype for astrocytoma before surgery. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY[J]. 2019, 第 4 作者29(7): 3325-3337, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/24414.
[93] Yang, Lei, Dong, Di, Fang, Mengjie, Zhu, Yongbei, Zang, Yali, Liu, Zhenyu, Zhang, Hongmei, Ying, Jianming, Zhao, Xinming, Tian, Jie. Can CT-based radiomics signature predict KRAS/NRAS/BRAF mutations in colorectal cancer?. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者  通讯作者  28(5): 2058-2067, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000429104200030.
[94] Zhang, Shuaitong, Song, Guidong, Zang, Yali, Jia, Jian, Wang, Chao, Li, Chuzhong, Tian, Jie, Dong, Di, Zhang, Yazhuo. Non-invasive radiomics approach potentially predicts non-functioning pituitary adenomas subtypes before surgery. EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 8 作者28(9): 3692-3701, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00330-017-5180-6.
[95] Zhang, Liwen, Chen, Bojiang, Liu, Xia, Song, Jiangdian, Fang, Mengjie, Hu, Chaoen, Dong, Di, Li, Weimin, Tian, Jie. Quantitative Biomarkers for Prediction of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 7 作者  通讯作者  11(1): 94-101, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tranon.2017.10.012.
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[98] Huang, Yanqi, He, Lan, Dong, Di, Yang, Caiyun, Liang, Cuishan, Chen, Xin, Ma, Zelan, Huang, Xiaomei, Yao, Su, Liang, Changhong, Tian, Jie, Liu, Zaiyi. Individualized prediction of perineural invasion in colorectal cancer: development and validation of a radiomics prediction model. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH[J]. 2018, 第 3 作者30(1): 40-+, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=90726589504849564849484853.
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[101] Chen Xi, Zhu Yongbei, Zhou Hongyu, Tang Zhenchao, Wei Wei, Dong Di, Tian Jie, Wang Meiyun, Wang Shuo, Liu Zhenyu. Unsupervised Deep Learning Features for Lung Cancer Overall Survival Analysis. 2018, 第 6 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/23575.
[102] Chen, Xin, Fang, Mengjie, Dong, Di, Wei, Xinhua, Liu, Lingling, Xu, Xiangdong, Jiang, Xinqing, Tian, Jie, Liu, Zaiyi. A Radiomics Signature in Preoperative Predicting Degree of Tumor Differentiation in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 3 作者25(12): 1548-1555, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acra.2018.02.019.
[103] Ren, Jiliang, Tian, Jie, Yuan, Ying, Dong, Di, Li, Xiaoxia, Shi, Yiqian, Tao, Xiaofeng. Magnetic resonance imaging based radiomics signature for the preoperative discrimination of stage I-II and III-IV head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 4 作者106: 1-6, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2018.07.002.
[104] Liu, Zhenyu, Wang, Yinyan, Liu, Xing, Du, Yang, Tang, Zhenchao, Wang, Kai, Wei, Jingwei, Dong, Di, Zang, Yali, Dai, Jianping, Jiang, Tao, Tian, Jie. Radiomics analysis allows for precise prediction of epilepsy in patients with low-grade gliomas. NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL[J]. 2018, 第 8 作者19(19): 271-278, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/23184.
[105] Zhou, Hongyu, Dong, Di, Chen, Bojiang, Fang, Mengjie, Cheng, Yue, Gan, Yuncun, Zhang, Rui, Zhang, Liwen, Zang, Yali, Liu, Zhenyu, Zheng, Hairong, Li, Weimin, Tian, Jie. Diagnosis of Distant Metastasis of Lung Cancer: Based on Clinical and Radiomic Features. TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 2 作者11(1): 31-36, https://doaj.org/article/17b1d6b609534215b9418a6e7ee8399f.
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[107] 孟闫凯, 张雨晨, 张翀达, 万丽娟, 张红梅, 董迪, 赵心明, 徐凯, 李纯明, 周纯武. 对比MRI平扫、增强图像的影像组学标签对直肠癌生存期的预测价值. 中华放射学杂志[J]. 2018, 第 6 作者52(5): 349-355, http://lib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Article/Detail?id=675303902.
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[109] Song, Jiangdian, Shi, Jingyun, Dong, Di, Fang, Mengjie, Zhong, Wenzhao, Wang, Kun, Wu, Ning, Huang, Yanqi, Liu, Zhenyu, Cheng, Yue, Gan, Yuncui, Zhou, Yongzhao, Zhou, Ping, Chen, Bojiang, Liang, Changhong, Liu, Zaiyi, Li, Weimin, Tian, Jie. A New Approach to Predict Progression-free Survival in Stage IV EGFR-mutant NSCLC Patients with EGFR-TKI Therapy. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH[J]. 2018, 第 3 作者24(15): 3583-3592, http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-2507.
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[111] Han, Yuqi, Xie, Zhen, Zang, Yali, Zhang, Shuaitong, Gu, Dongsheng, Zhou, Mu, Gevaert, Olivier, Wei, Jingwei, Li, Chao, Chen, Hongyan, Du, Jiang, Liu, Zhenyu, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Zhou, Dabiao. Non-invasive genotype prediction of chromosome 1p/19q co-deletion by development and validation of an MRI-based radiomics signature in lower-grade gliomas. JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY[J]. 2018, 第 13 作者  通讯作者  140(2): 297-306, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/25721.
[112] Wang, Chao, Li, Meng, Liu, Xia, Liu, Zaiyi, Zang, Yali, Liu, Zhenyu, Dong, Di, Chang, Changhong, Tian, Jie, IEEE. Semi-automated Enhanced Breast Tumor Segmentation for CT Image. 2017 39TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC). 2017, 第 11 作者648-651, 
[113] Tian Jie, Wang Shuo, Zhou Mu, Gevaert Olivier, Tang Zhenchao, Dong Di, Liu Zhenyu. A Multi-view Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Lung Nodule Segmentation. 2017, 第 6 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/23574.
[114] Zhong Wenzhao, Dong Di, Tian Jie, Liu Zaiyi, Song Jiangdian, Zang Yali, Li Weimin, Shi Jingyun. Development and validation of a radiomics nomogram for progression-free survival prediction in stage IV EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer. SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2017. 2017, 第 2 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/12494.
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[118] Shi Jingyun, Yu Dongdong, Zang Yali, Dong Di, Zhou Mu, Gevaert Olivier, Tian Jie. Developing a Radiomics Framework for Classifying Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Subtypes. SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING 2017. 2017, 第 4 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/12493.
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[121] Tian Jie, Hui Hui, Wang Shuo, Dong Di, Liu Xia, Yang Xin, Hu Chaoen. Brain vessels segmentation for light-sheet microscopy image using convolutional neural networks. SPIE DIGITAL LIBRARY. 2017, 第 4 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/12265.
[122] Zhang, Bin, Tian, Jie, Dong, Di, Gu, Dongsheng, Dong, Yuhao, Zhang, Lu, Lian, Zhouyang, Liu, Jing, Luo, Xiaoning, Pei, Shufang, Mo, Xiaokai, Huang, Wenhui, Ouyang, Fusheng, Guo, Baoliang, Liang, Long, Chen, Wenbo, Liang, Changhong, Zhang, Shuixing. Radiomics Features of Multiparametric MRI as Novel Prognostic Factors in Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH[J]. 2017, 第 3 作者23(15): 4259-4269, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000406680300031.
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[132] Fang, Mengjie, Dong, Di, Zeng, Chaoting, Liang, Xiao, Yang, Xin, Arranz, Alicia, Ripoll, Jorge, Hui, Hui, Tian, Jie. Polarization-sensitive optical projection tomography for muscle fiber imaging. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2016, 第 2 作者6: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep19241.
[133] Liang, Cuishan, Huang, Yanqi, He, Lan, Chen, Xin, Ma, Zelan, Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Liang, Changhong, Liu, Zaiyi. The development and validation of a CT-based radiomics signature for the preoperative discrimination of stage I-II and stage III-IV colorectal cancer. ONCOTARGET[J]. 2016, 第 6 作者7(21): 31401-31412, http://dx.doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.8919.
[134] Song Jiangdian, Tian Jie, Liu Zaiyi, Zang Yali, Huang Yanqi, Dong Di. Association between Tumor Heterogeneity and Progression-free Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients with EGFR Mutations Undergoing Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Therapy. ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY. 2016, 第 6 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/12477.
[135] Wang Jun, Liu Xia, Dong Di, Song Jiangdian, Xu Min, Zang Yali, Tian Jie, Patton J, Barbieri R, Ji J, Jabbari E, Dokos S, Mukkamala R, Guiraud D, Jovanov E, Dhaher Y, Panescu D, Vangils M, Wheeler B, Dhawan AP. Prediction of Malignant and Benign of Lung Tumor using a Quantitative Radiomic Method. 2016 38TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC). 2016, 第 3 作者1272-1275, 
[137] Ma, Xibo, Hui, Hui, Jin, Yushen, Dong, Di, Liang, Xiaolong, Yang, Xin, Tan, Ke, Dai, Zhifei, Cheng, Zhen, Tian, Jie. Enhanced immunotherapy of SM5-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma by conjugating with gold nanoparticles and its in vivo bioluminescence tomographic evaluation. BIOMATERIALS[J]. 2016, 第 4 作者87(87): 46-56, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.02.007.
[138] Yang Yujie, Dong Di, Shi Liangliang, Wang Jun, Hui Hui, Yang Xin, Tian Jie, Farkas DL, Nicolau DV, Nicolau RC. A preliminary study on a dual-modality OPT/micro-CT system. IMAGING, MANIPULATION, AND ANALYSIS OF BIOMOLECULES, CELLS, AND TISSUES XIII. 2015, 第 2 作者9328: 
[139] Liangliang Shi, Di Dong, Yujie Yang, Jun Wang, Alicia Arranz, Jorge Ripoll, Jie Tian. Coherent noise remover for Optical Projection Tomography. SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING. 2015, 第 2 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/11165.
[140] Shi, Liangliang, Dong, Di, Yang, Yujie, Wang, Jun, Arranz, Alicia, Ripoll, Jorge, Tian, Jie, Gimi, B, Molthen, RC. Coherent noise remover for Optical Projection Tomography. MEDICAL IMAGING 2015: BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS IN MOLECULAR, STRUCTURAL, AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING. 2015, 第 2 作者9417: 
[141] Yujie Yang, Di Dong, Liangliang Shi, Jun Wang, Xin Yang, Jie Tian. Signal enhancement in Optical Projection Tomography via virtual High Dynamic Range imaging of single exposure. SPIE MEDICAL IMAGING. 2015, 第 2 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/11167.
[142] Yang, Yujie, Dong, Di, Shi, Liangliang, Wang, Jun, Yang, Xin, Tian, Jie, Gimi, B, Molthen, RC. Signal enhancement in optical projection tomography via virtual high dynamic range imaging of single exposure. MEDICAL IMAGING 2015: BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS IN MOLECULAR, STRUCTURAL, AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING. 2015, 第 2 作者9417: 
[143] Tian Jie, Dong Di, Mu Wei. A new Pansharp based method for PET/CT image fusion. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON BIOMEDICAL IMAGING (ISBI). 2014, 第 2 作者1140-1143, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/5496.
[144] Guo, Jin, Yang, Yujie, Dong, Di, Shi, Liangliang, Hui, Hui, Xu, Min, Tian, Jie, Liu, Xia, IEEE. A projection selection method to improve image quality in optical projection tomography. 2014 36TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC). 2014, 第 3 作者206-209, 
[145] Dong, Di, Arranz, Alicia, Zhu, Shouping, Yang, Yujie, Shi, Liangliang, Wang, Jun, Shen, Chen, Tian, Jie, Ripoll, Jorge. Vertically scanned laser sheet microscopy. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS[J]. 2014, 第 1 作者19(10): 106001-1-106001-8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JBO.19.10.106001.
[146] Arranz, Alicia, Dong, Di, Zhu, Shouping, Savakis, Charalambos, Tian, Jie, Ripoll, Jorge. In-vivo Optical Tomography of Small Scattering Specimens: time-lapse 3D imaging of the head eversion process in Drosophila melanogaster. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS[J]. 2014, 第 2 作者4: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000346268300005.
[147] 郭进, 刘侠, 董迪, 朱守平, 杨鑫, 田捷. 活体光学投影断层成像系统与应用. 自动化学报[J]. 2013, 第 3 作者39(12): 2043-2050, http://www.aas.net.cn:80/cn/article/doi/10.3724/SP.J.1004.2013.02043.
[148] Dong Di, Guo Jin, Yang Yujie, Shi Liangliang, Peng Dong, Liu Zhenyu, Ripoll Jorge, Tian Jie, IEEE. Analysis of the Rotational Center Location Method in Optical Projection Tomography. 2013 35TH ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBC). 2013, 第 1 作者3008-3011, 
[149] Dong, Di, Zhu, Shouping, Qin, Chenghu, Kumar, Varsha, Stein, Jens V, Oehler, Stephan, Savakis, Charalambos, Tian, Jie, Ripoll, Jorge. Automated Recovery of the Center of Rotation in Optical Projection Tomography in the Presence of Scattering. IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS[J]. 2013, 第 1 作者  通讯作者  17(1): 198-204, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TITB.2012.2219588.
[150] Arranz, Alicia, Dong, Di, Zhu, Shouping, Rudin, Markus, Tsatsanis, Christos, Tian, Jie, Ripoll, Jorge. Helical optical projection tomography. OPTICS EXPRESS[J]. 2013, 第 2 作者21(22): 25912-25925, http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.21.025912.
[151] Zhu, Shouping, Dong, Di, Birk, Udo Jochen, Rieckher, Matthias, Tavernarakis, Nektarios, Qu, Xiaochao, Liang, Jimin, Tian, Jie, Ripoll, Jorge. Automated Motion Correction for In Vivo Optical Projection Tomography. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING[J]. 2012, 第 2 作者31(7): 1358-1371, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2012.2188836.
[152] Hui Hui, Jie Tian, Min Xu, Di Dong. A projection selection method to improve image quality in optical projection tomography. ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY (EMBS). 2012, 第 4 作者206 - 209, http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/5495.
[153] Tian Jie, Dong Di. New in vivo optical molecular imaging modalities. URSI GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM (URSIGASS). 2011, 第 2 作者http://ir.ia.ac.cn/handle/173211/5438.
[154] Ma, Xibo, Tian, Jie, Qin, Chenghu, Yang, Xin, Zhang, Bo, Xue, Zhenwen, Zhang, Xing, Han, Dong, Dong, Di, Liu, Xueyan. Early detection of liver cancer based on bioluminescence tomography. APPLIED OPTICS[J]. 2011, 第 9 作者50(10): 1389-1395, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/975010.
[155] Dong, Di, Tian, Jie, Dai, Yakang, Yan, Guorui, Yang, Fei, Wu, Ping. Unified reconstruction framework for multi-modal medical imaging. JOURNAL OF X-RAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY[J]. 2011, 第 1 作者19(1): 111-126, http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/XST-2010-0281.
[156] Dai, Yakang, Tian, Jie, Dong, Di, Yan, Guorui, Zheng, Hairong. Real-Time Visualized Freehand 3D Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on GPU. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE[J]. 2010, 第 3 作者14(6): 1338-1345, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/975051.
[157] Zheng Jian, Tian Jie, Dai Yakang, Zhang Xing, Dong Di, Xu Min, Dhooge J, McAleavey SA. Ultrasound-directed Robotic System for Thermal Ablation of Liver Tumors: a Preliminary Report. MEDICAL IMAGING 2010: ULTRASONIC IMAGING, TOMOGRAPHY, AND THERAPY. 2010, 第 5 作者7629: 
[158] Yan, Guorui, Tian, Jie, Zhu, Shouping, Qin, Chenghu, Dai, Yakang, Yang, Fei, Dong, Di, Wu, Ping. Fast Katsevich Algorithm Based on GPU for Helical Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN BIOMEDICINE[J]. 2010, 第 7 作者14(4): 1053-1061, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/975018.
[159] Hao Hu MD, Lixin Gong MS, Di Dong PhD, Liang Zhu MD, Min Wang MD, Jie He MD, Lei Shu MD, Yiling Cai MD, Shilun Cai MD, Wei Su MD, Yunshi Zhong MD, Cong Li BS, Yongbei Zhu MS, Mengjie Fang MS, Lianzhen Zhong BS, Xin Yang PhD, Pinghong Zhou MD, Jie Tian PhD. Identifying early gastric cancer under magnifying narrow-band images via deep learning: a multicenter study. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2020.11.014.
[160] Lixin Gong MS, Min Wang MD, Lei Shu MD, Jie He MD, Bin Qin MD, Jiacheng Xu MD, Wei Su MD, Di Dong PhD, Hao Hu MD, Jie Tian PhD, Pinghong Zhou MD. Automatic Captioning of Early Gastric Cancer via Magnification Endoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging. GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gie.2022.07.019.
(1) Radiomics and Its Clinical Application: Artificial Intelligence and Medical Big Data, Academic Press, 2021-06, 第 2 作者
(2) 影像组学基础, 科学出版社, 2022-04, 第 3 作者


( 1 ) 针对小鼠全身成像的多模融合显微成像技术及应用研究, 主持, 国家级, 2016-01--2018-12
( 2 ) 基于时空信息融合的植物根系多尺度原位观测系统研制, 主持, 部委级, 2016-01--2017-12
( 3 ) 2017年中国科学院青年创新促进会, 主持, 部委级, 2017-01--2020-12
( 4 ) 基于OPT成像系统的双模融合成像功能研发(中国科学院仪器设备功能开发技术创新项目), 主持, 部委级, 2016-09--2017-08
( 5 ) 基于影像组学的肝细胞癌预后预测的关键科学问题研究(中国科学院国际合作重点项目), 主持, 部委级, 2017-01--2018-12
( 6 ) 基于影像组学和大数据的肺癌筛查新技术研究(肺癌筛查和干预技术及方案研究), 主持, 国家级, 2017-08--2020-07
( 7 ) 基于分子影像和影像组学的乳腺癌早诊、疗效评价与预后预测新技术研发, 参与, 国家级, 2017-08--2021-07
( 8 ) 基于影像组学的EGFR突变型晚期非小细胞肺癌靶向治疗疗效预测研究, 主持, 国家级, 2018-01--2021-12
( 9 ) 基于多模态MRI影像组学的脑胶质瘤智能影像诊断研究, 主持, 省级, 2018-12--2021-12
( 10 ) 基于多模态影像组学的胃癌新辅助化疗疗效预测研究, 主持, 国家级, 2020-01--2023-12
( 11 ) 基于影像和病理融合的胃肠道肿瘤微卫星不稳定(MSI)评估及免疫治疗疗效预测, 主持, 国家级, 2020-01--2022-12
( 12 ) 胃癌影像组学, 主持, 国家级, 2021-01--2023-12



吴相君  硕士研究生  085211-计算机技术  


操润楠  硕士研究生  081104-模式识别与智能系统  

刘瑜佳  硕士研究生  085208-电子与通信工程  

张广昊  硕士研究生  085208-电子与通信工程  

赵洵  硕士研究生  081104-模式识别与智能系统