
吕维加William Weijia Lu 深圳先进技术研究院
Telephone: 0755-86585232
Address: 深圳市南山区西丽深圳大学城学苑大道1068号
Postcode: 518055

Research Areas

Expertise/Research Interest:

¨      Orthopaedic Biomechanics, design, development and evaluation of implant and devices.

¨      Development, evaluation, and clinical trials of biomaterials.

¨      3-D bio-printing.

¨      Bioengineering for clinical applications.


The top 1% Scholars (2009-present), according to ISI's Essential Science Indicators.

o   International/English: >350 papers in international Peer Reviewed Journals, with more than 13200 citations, H index=62. More than 28 publications are likely to score 4* or 3* during last 6 years and more should coming in next 5 years.

o   Conference papers: More than 220 abstracts and /Proceedings.

§  Awards: Recipient of >20 prestigious international & local awards.

§  Patents: Co-holder of 32 US, international, and PRC patents.

Research Funding: Procuring HK$56 million research grant (as PI/Co-PI for HK$39million); RMB39 million as PI in PR China. Including: National Key R&D Programs funded by the (MoST). PI: LU W (RMB27,440,000), 2018YFA0703100 (2019-2024).

§  Applied Research Funding: Have attracted 4 major ITF funding (HK$19 million) and raised matching funds from industries to a total more than HK$11 million.

§  Invited speaker: 60 international and regional conferences in the past 5 years.

§  Spinoff  three  companies as co-founder with PhD students.


Ph.D.            BioEngineering, 1995

                     Faculty of Applied Health Science, University of Waterloo, Ont. Canada


Teaching Experience

§  Course Curriculum Development:

o   Whole course development: Medical Bioengineering, Basic Orthopaedic Biomechanics, Advanced Orthopaedic Research Seminars.

o   Development in part: Biomedical Engineering curriculum development, Faculty of Engineering, Biomaterials course for MSc. in Faculty of science.

§  Award: Commendation prize as the advisor for the HKU Team in the U21 Global Entrepreneurship Summer School Business Plan Competition held at Singapore in 2004

§  Supervision 38 MPhil and Ph.D students.