滕兆乾  男  博导  中国科学院动物研究所
email: tengzq@ioz.ac.cn
address: 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲3号621室
postalCode: 100101




2002-09--2005-07   中国科学院动物研究所   博士
1999-09--2002-07   山东师范大学生命科学学院   硕士


2014-09~现在, 中国科学院动物研究所, 研究员
2014-01~2014-08,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Research Associate
2011-03~2013-12,Louisiana State University School of Medicine, 博士后
2008-08~2011-02,University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 博士后
2005-09~2008-03,中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院, 博士后
2002-09~2005-07,中国科学院动物研究所, 博士
1999-09~2002-07,山东师范大学生命科学学院, 硕士
2023-01-01-今,Cell Proliferation, Editorial Board Member
2021-10-05-今,Genes, Editorial Board member
2020-09-21-今,Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, Guest Associate Editor
2018-03-09-今,Frontiers in Genetics, Guest Associate Editor




( 1 ) PRC2复合物作为靶标在开发防治神经退行性疾病或中枢神经损伤疾病的药物中的应用, 2022, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 202210904395.2

( 2 ) 小分子化合物在制备用于治疗胶质瘤的药物中的应用, 2022, 第 1 作者, 专利号: 202210573788.X

( 3 ) 一种高效感染原代小胶质细胞的重组突变腺相关病毒及其相关生物材料, 2022, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL202110021870.7

( 4 ) 一种多能干细胞诱导产生小胶质细胞的方法及试剂盒, 2021, 第 1 作者, 专利号: ZL201910558177.6


(1) Agomir-331 Suppresses Reactive Gliosis and Neuroinflammation after Traumatic Brain Injury, CELLS, 2023, 第 6 作者
(2) Abnormal chromatin remodeling caused by ARID1A deletion leads to malformation of the dentate gyrus, CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 2023, 通讯作者
(3) ASH2L regulates postnatal neurogenesis through Onecut2-mediated inhibition of TGF-& beta; signaling pathway, CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 2023, 通讯作者
(4) Endothelial Arid1a deletion disrupts the balance among angiogenesis, neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the developing brain, CELL PROLIFERATION, 2023, 第 10 作者
(5) Microglial transglutaminase 2 deficiency causes impaired synaptic remodelling and cognitive deficits in mice, CELL PROLIFERATION, 2023, 通讯作者
(6) The Role and Mechanism of Transglutaminase 2 in Regulating Hippocampal Neurogenesis after Traumatic Brain Injury, CELLS, 2023, 通讯作者
(7) Decoding the temporal and regional specification of microglia in the developing human brain, CELL STEM CELL, 2022, 第 15 作者
(8) Mouse model of voluntary movement deficits induced by needlestick injuries to the primary motor cortex, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS, 2022, 通讯作者
(9) Acetate supplementation restores cognitive deficits caused by ARID1A haploinsufficiency in excitatory neurons, EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2022, 通讯作者
(10) Acetate supplementation restores cognitive deficits caused by ARID1A haploinsufficiency in excitatory neurons, EMBO Mol Med ., 2022, 通讯作者
(11) Microglial EED is required for synapse engulfment, MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY, 2022, 通讯作者
(12) Intranasal Administration of Agomir-let-7i Improves Cognitive Function in Mice with Traumatic Brain Injury, CELLS, 2022, 通讯作者
(13) A Mouse Model of Neurodegeneration Induced by Blade Penetrating Stab Wound to the Hippocampus, BIOLOGY, 2022, 通讯作者
(14) KW-2449 and VPA exert therapeutic effects on human neurons and cerebral organoids derived from MECP2-null hESCs, STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY, 2022, 通讯作者
(15) Loss of microglial EED impairs synapse density, learning, and memory, Molecular Psychiatry, 2022, 通讯作者
(16) Dynamic profiling and functional interpretation of histone lysine crotonylation and lactylation during neural development, DEVELOPMENT, 2022, 通讯作者
(17) Intranasal Administration of Agomir-let-7i Improves Cognitive Function in Mice with Traumatic Brain Injury (vol 11, 1348, 2022), CELLS, 2022, 通讯作者
(18) A Mouse Model of Neurodegeneration Induced by Blade Penetrating Stab Wound to the Hippocampus, BIOLOGY-BASEL, 2022, 通讯作者
(19) miR-26a promotes axon regeneration in the mammalian central nervous system by suppressing PTEN expression, ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA, 2021, 第 5 作者
(20) Transcriptional profiling of microglia in the injured brain reveals distinct molecular features underlying neurodegeneration, GLIA, 2021, 通讯作者
(21) TREM2, microglia, and Alzheimer’s disease, MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT, 2021, 第 2 作者
(22) Histone crotonylation regulates neural stem cell fate decisions by activating bivalent promoters, EMBO REPORTS, 2021, 通讯作者
(23) Strategies to Promote Long-Distance Optic Nerve Regeneration, FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2020, 第 4 作者
(24) Loss of MicroRNA-137 Impairs the Homeostasis of Potassium in Neurons via KCC2, EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, 2020, 通讯作者
(25) Loss of Arid1a Promotes Neuronal Survival Following Optic Nerve Injury, FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2020, 第 7 作者
(26) Regulatory networks between Polycomb complexes and non-coding RNAs in the central nervous system, Regulatory networks between Polycomb complexes and non-coding RNAs in the central nervous system, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY, 2020, 第 4 作者
(27) UTX Regulates Human Neural Differentiation and Dendritic Morphology by Resolving Bivalent Promoters, STEM CELL REPORTS, 2020, 通讯作者
(28) SerpinA3N deficiency deteriorates impairments of learning and memory in mice following hippocampal stab injury, CELL DEATH DISCOVERY, 2020, 通讯作者
(29) Prostaglandin E1 Inhibits GLI2 Amplification-Associated Activation of the Hedgehog Pathway and Drug Refractory Tumor Growth, CANCER RESEARCH, 2020, 第 5 作者
(30) GA-binding protein GABPβ1 is required for the proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells, STEM CELL RES, 2019, 第 9 作者
(31) A novel mechanism of synaptic and cognitive impairments mediated via microRNA-30b in Alzheimer's disease, EBIOMEDICINE, 2019, 第 4 作者
(32) Polycomb Protein EED Regulates Neuronal Differentiation through Targeting SOX11 in Hippocampal Dentate Gyrus, STEM CELL REPORTS, 2019, 第 7 作者
(33) GA-binding protein GABP beta 1 is required for the proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells, STEM CELL RESEARCH, 2019, 通讯作者
(34) Precisely controlling endogenous protein dosage in hPSCs and derivatives to model FOXG1 syndrome, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2019, 第 7 作者
(35) Regulatory networks between Polycomb complexes and non-coding RNAs in the central nervous system, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY, 2019, 第 4 作者
(36) MiR-137 Deficiency Causes Anxiety-Like Behaviors in Mice, FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2019, 通讯作者
(37) Commentary: Multiscale Analysis of Independent Alzheimer’s Cohorts Finds Disruption of Molecular, Genetic, and Clinical Networks by Human Herpesvirus., FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2018, 通讯作者
(38) A Chemical Recipe for Generation of Clinical-Grade Striatal Neurons from hESCs, STEM CELL REPORTS, 2018, 第 7 作者
(39) miR-9 regulates basal ganglia-dependent developmental vocal learning and adult vocal performance in songbirds, ELIFE, 2018, 第 7 作者
(40) Polycomb protein family member CBX7 regulates intrinsic axon growth and regeneration., CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION, 2018, 第 10 作者
(41) Partial loss of psychiatric risk gene miR-137 in mice causes repetitive behavior and impairs sociability and learning via increased Pde10a, NATURE NEUROSCIENCE, 2018, 通讯作者
(42) Polycomb Repressive Complex 2: Emerging Roles in the Central Nervous System, NEUROSCIENTIST, 2018, 第 3 作者
(43) MiR-203 Interplays with Polycomb Repressive Complexes to Regulate the Proliferation of Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells, STEM CELL REPORTS, 2017, 通讯作者
(44) The Histone H3K27 Demethylase UTX Regulates Synaptic Plasticity and Cognitive Behaviors in Mice., FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE, 2017, 通讯作者
(45) Extrinsic and Intrinsic Regulation of Axon Regeneration by MicroRNAs after Spinal Cord Injury, NEURAL PLASTICITY, 2016, 第 2 作者
(46) Microsatellites reveal the genetic structure of thelytokous strains of the migratory locust, INSECT SCIENCE, 2007, 通讯作者
(47) Egg-hatching benefits gained by polyandrous female locusts are not due to the fertilization advantage of nonsibling males, EVOLUTION, 2007, 第 1 作者


( 1 ) 引进人才科研启动费, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2014-09--2018-12
( 2 ) 多重性脑创伤后miRNAs对海马神经发生与胶质细胞发生的调控机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2016-01--2019-12
( 3 ) 中国科学院“****”, 负责人, 其他国际合作项目, 2015-01--2018-12
( 4 ) '干细胞与脑损伤修复, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2015-01--2017-12
( 5 ) 免疫球蛋白E受体在脑损伤修复中的功能与分子调控机制研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2018-01--2020-12
( 6 ) 脑创伤大脑皮层的神经再生机制与修复, 负责人, 中国科学院计划, 2018-08--2022-12
( 7 ) 疾病相关神经前体细胞的分子标记物鉴定与质控标准, 负责人, 国家任务, 2018-07--2022-12
( 8 ) MicroRNA-137在人源胚胎干细胞神经分化中的功能与调控机制, 负责人, 国家任务, 2022-01--2025-12