Haoran Li
Telephone: 010-82627064
Postcode: 100190

Research Areas

1. Biological Metallurgy;
2. Microbial fuel cells;
3. Enviroment protection and wasterwaster treatment. 


Ph.D 2001/09/01--2005/07/14 University of Science & Technology, Beijing China
B.S   1985/09/01--1990/07/01 Tsinghua University, Beijing China


1990/07--present  Principle Investigator, National Key Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 

Honors & Distinctions

2005  Beijing Science & Technology Awards, Second Grade.


  1. Bin Lai, Xinghua Tang, Haoran Li, et al. Power production enhancement with a polyaniline modified anode in mivrobial fuel cells. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 28(2011): 373-377.
  2. Xinhua Tang, Kun Guo, et al. Electrochemical treatment of graphite to enhance electron transfer from bacteria to electrodes. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(3): 3558-3560.
  3. Xinhua Tang, Zhuwei Du, et al. Anodic electron shuttle mechanism based on 1-hydroxy-4-aminoanthraquinone in microbial fuel cells. Electrochemistry Communications.2010, 12(8): 1140-1143.
  4. Xinhua Tang, Kun Guo, Haoran Li, Zhuwei Du, Jinglei Tian. Microfiltration Membrane performance in two-chamber microbial fuel cells. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2010, 52(2-3): 194-198.
  5. Kun Guo, Xinhua Tang, Zhuwei Du, Haoran Li. Hydrogen production from acetate in a cathode-on-top single-chamber microbial electrolysis cell with a mipor cathode. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2010, 51(1-2): 48-52.
  6. Haoran Li, Yali Feng, XinHua Tang, Jingjing Zhang, Jing Lian. The Factors Affecting Biofilm Formation in the Mediatorless Microbioal Fuel Cell. Chemical and Biochemial Engineering Q. 2010, 24(3): 341-346.
  7. Zhidan Liu, Haoran Li, Jing Liu, Zhiguo Su. Effects of Inoculation Strategy and Cultivation Approach on the Performance of Microbial Fuel Cell using Marine Sediment as Bio-matrix. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2008, 104(4): 1163-1170.
  8. Zhidan Liu, Jing Liu, Songping Zhang, Zhiguo Su. A Novel Configuration of Microbial Fuel Cell Stack bridged Internally Through an Extra Cation Exchang Membrane. Biotechnology letters, 2008, 30: 1017-1023. 
  9. Zhidan Liu, Zhuwei Du, Jing Lian, Haoran Li. Improving Energy Accumulation of Microbial Fuel Cells by Metabolism Regulation using Rhodoferax ferrireducens as Biocatalyst. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2007, 44, 393-398;
  10. Zhidan Liu, Haoran Li. Effect of Bio- and Abio- factors on Electricity Generation in a Mediatroless Microbial Fuel Cell. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2007, 36, 209-214.
  11. Zhuwei Du, Haoran Li, et al. A state of the art review on microbial fuel cells: A promising technology for wastewater treatment and bioenergy. Biotechnology Advances. 2007, 25(5): 464-482.
  12. Zhidan Liu, Jing Lian, Zhuwei Du, Haoran Li. Construction of Sugar-based Microbial Fuel Cells by Dissimilatory Metal Reduction Bacteria. Chinese Journal of Biotechnology, 2006, 22(1): 131-137.


2010/12/3-5,  Co-president,  No.227 Young Scientists Forum,China Association for Science and Technology, Guanzhou, China.

Research Interest

  1. High-efficiency low-cost modularized photosynthetic microbial fuel cells. National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.21176242.
  2. Electron transfer mechanism of microbial fuel cells. National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.20876160. 
  3. Key technology of eletricity production from wastewater by microbial fuel cells. National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, No.2007AA05Z158. 


Graduate Students

Bin Lai          M.S.    2009

Peng Wang   M.S.    2010


Liang Zhou    M.S.    2002  

Shaohua Li    M.S.    2003  

Meng Tong     M.S     2004  

CuiXiang Lu    M.S.    2005

Dingjie Li        M.S     2006  

Kun Guo         M.S.    2007 

Xinghua Tang   M.S     2008