
杜梦然  博士
深海科学研究部 副主任
电子邮件: mdu@idsse.ac.cn
通信地址: 三亚市鹿回头路28号
邮政编码: 572000








2014.08-2020.12 中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所 副研究员

2021.01 至今 中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所 研究员


国际标准化组织ISO海洋技术分委会委员(ISO/TC8/SC13 Marine Sensor Performance, Committee Member)


·    Du, M., Peng, X., Zhang, H., Ye, C., Dasgupta, S., Li, J., Li, J., Liu, S., Xu, H., Chen, C., Jing, H., Xu, H., Liu, J., He, S., He, L., Cai, S., Chen, S. and Ta, K. (2021) Geology, environment, and life in the deepest part of the world’s oceans. The Innovation 2, 297-309.
·     Peng, X., Guo, Z., Du, M., Czaja, A.D., Papineau, D., Chen, S., Xu, H., Li, J., Ta, K., Bai, S. and Dasgupta, S. (2020) Past endolithic life in metamorphic ocean crust. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 14, 14-19.
·     Chen, M., Du, M., Jin, A., Chen, S., Dasgupta, S., Li, J., Xu, H., Ta, K. and Peng, X. (2020) Forty-year pollution history of microplastics in the largest marginal sea of the western Pacific. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 13, 42-47.
·     Du, M., Peng, X., Seyfried, W.E., Ta, K., Guo, Z., Chen, S., Chou, I.M., Li, J. and Xu, H. (2019) Fluid discharge linked to bending of the incoming plate at the Mariana subduction zone. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 11, 1-5.
·     Du, M., Yvon-Lewis, S., Garcia-Tigreros, F., Valentine, D.L., Mendes, S.D. and Kessler, J.D. (2014) High resolution measurements of methane and carbon dioxide in surface waters over a natural seep reveal dynamics of dissolved phase air-sea flux. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 10165-10173.
·     Du, M. and Kessler, J.D. (2012) Assessment of the spatial and temporal variability of bulk hydrocarbon respiration following the deepwater horizon oil spill. Environmental Science and Technology 46, 10499-10507.
·     Kessler, J.D., Valentine, D.L., Redmond, M.C., Du, M., Chan, E.W., Mendes, S.D., Quiroz, E.W., Villanueva, C.J., Shusta, S.S., Werra, L.M., Yvon-Lewis, S.A. and Weber, T.C. (2011) A persistent oxygen anomaly reveals the fate of spilled methane in the deep Gulf of Mexico. Science 331, 312-315.
·     Valentine, D.L., Kessler, J.D., Redmond, M.C., Mendes, S.D., Heintz, M.B., Farwell, C., Hu, L., Kinnaman, F.S., Yvon-Lewis, S., Du, M., Chan, E.W., Tigreros, F.G. and Villanueva, C.J. (2010) Propane respiration jump-starts microbial response to a deep oil spill. Science 330, 208-211.


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