阳坤 男 博导 青藏高原研究所








1997-10--2000-09 东京大学 博士
1994-09--1997-07 清华大学 硕士
1989-09--1994-07 清华大学 学士


    2007年 青藏高原研究所研究员
    2003年 东京大学土木工程系副教授
    2002年 日本科技事业集团特别研究员
    2001年 日本通信放送机构博士后
    2000年 日本科技事业集团特别研究员 

    2012年 Journal of Hydrology编委成员
    2011年 中国数值预报专业委员会委员、高原气象专业委员会委员
    2010年 组织了“第二届青藏高原和高海拔地区能量和水分循环国际讨论会”
    2008年 AMY(Asia Monsoon Years)青藏高原陆面数据同化负责人 
    2007年  GEWEX/CEOP-WEBS项目主席 
    2006年 日本气象学会期刊CEOP特刊编委 
    2005年 JICA 中日天气灾害研究中心日方专家组成员 


在国内外期刊发表SCI论文九十余篇(其中第一作者30篇) ,SCI引用1600余次。部分论著如下:

  1. Yang, K., H. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Qin, L. Wang, 2014: Toward a satellite-based observation of atmospheric heat source over land, 
    Journal of Geophysical Research - D: Atmospheres. doi: 10.1002/2013JD021091.
  2. Yang, K., H. Wu, J. Qin, C. Lin, W. Tang, Y. Chen, 2014: Recent climate changes over the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts on energy and water cycle: A review. Global and Planetary Change, 112, 79-91.
  3. Yang, K., J. Qin, L. Zhao, Y. Chen, W. Tang, M. Han, Lazhu, Z. Chen, N. Lv, B. Ding, H. Wu, C. Lin, 2013: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 94, 1907-1916.
  4. Yang, K., B-H Ding, J. Qin, W-J Tang, N. Lu, and C-G Lin, 2012: Can aerosol loading explain the solar dimming over the Tibetan Plateau?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L20710, doi:10.1029/2012GL053733. 
  5. Yang, K., B. Ye, D. Zhou, B. Wu, T. Foken, J. Qin, Z. Zhou, 2011: Response of hydrological cycle to recent climate changes in the Tibetan Plateau, Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0099-4.
  6. Yang, K., X-F Guo, J. He, J. Qin, T. Koike, 2011: On the Climatology and Trend of the Atmospheric Heat Source over the Tibetan Plateau: An Experiments-Supported Revisit, Journal of Climate, 24, 1525-1541, doi: 10.1175/2010JCLI3848.1.
  7. Yang, K., J. He, W-J Tang, J. Qin, CCK Cheng, 2010: On downward shortwave and longwave radiations over high altitude regions: Observation and modeling in the Tibetan Plateau. Agric. Forest. Meteorol, 150, 38-46, doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.004.
  8. Yang, K., T. Koike, I. Kaihotsu, J. Qin, 2009: Validation of a dual-pass microwave land data assimilation system for estimating surface soil moisture in semi-arid regions, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10(3), 780-794.
  9. Yang, K., Y.-Y. Chen, and J. Qin, 2009: Some practical notes on the land surface modeling in the Tibetan Plateau, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 687–701.
  10. Yang, K., R. T. Pinker, Y. Ma, T. Koike, M. M. Wonsick, S. J. Cox, Y. Zhang, and P. Stackhouse (2008), Evaluation of satellite estimates of downward shortwave radiation over the Tibetan Plateau, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D17204, doi:10.1029/2007JD009736.
  11. Yang, K., T. Koike, H. Ishikawa et al., 2008: Turbulent flux transfer over bare soil surfaces: Characteristics and parameterization, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 40(1), 276-290.
  12. Yang, K., J. Wang, 2008: A temperature prediction-correction method for estimating surface soil heat flux from soil temperature and moisture data, Science in China (Serial D-Earth Science), 51(5), 721-729.
  13. Yang, K., T. Watanabe, T. Koike et al., 2007: Auto-calibration system developed to assimilate AMSR-E data into a land surface model for estimating soil moisture and the surface energy budget, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 85A, 229-242.
  14. Yang, K., T. Koike, P. Stackhouse et al., 2006: An assessment of satellite surface radiation products for highlands with Tibet instrumental data, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L22403, doi:10.1029/2006GL027640.
  15. Yang, K., T. Koike, B. Ye, 2006: Improving estimation of hourly, daily, and monthly solar radiation by importing global data sets, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137, 43-55.
  16. Yang, K., T. Koike, B. Ye, and L. Bastidas, 2005: Inverse analysis of the role of soil vertical heterogeneity in controlling surface soil state and energy partition, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D08101, doi:10.1029/2004JD005500.
  17. Yang, K., T. Koike, H. Fujii, T. Tamura, X. Xu, L. Bian, And M. Zhou, 2004: The daytime evolution of the atmospheric boundary layer and convection over the Tibetan Plateau: Observations and simulations, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 82, 1777-1792.
  18. Yang, K., T. Koike, H. Fujii, K. Tamagawa, N. Hirose, 2002: Improvement of surface flux parameterizations with a turbulence-related length, Quarterly Journal of Royal Meteorological Society 128, Part B, No.584, 2073-2088.
  19. Yang, K., N. Tamai, T. Koike, 2001: Analytical solution of surface layer similarity equation, Journal of Applied Meteorology 40(9), 1647-1653.
  20. Yang, K., G-W. Huang, N. Tamai, 2001: A hybrid model for estimating global solar radiation, Solar Energy 70, 13-22.





