张岩 男 汉族 博导 上海巴斯德研究所

Research Areas

(1) The primary research interest in our lab is to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating self-renewal and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). 

  To sustain the hematopoiesis throughout life, HSC must carefully preserve the ability of self-renewal and differentiation. By generating a gene knockout mouse model, we have identified MLL5 (Mixed Lineage Leukemia 5) as a novel regulator for HSC self-renewal. MLL5 belongs to Trithorax group (TrxG) of the chromatin-remodeling complex. Interestingly, MLL, another member of this family, has also been shown recently to play a key role in regulating HSC self-renewal. Those results raised an interesting question whether other members in TrxG group also have roles in HSC self-renewal regulation. We will generate mutant mouse models of those TrxG group genes to investigate the roles of those genes in regulating HSC self-renewal. These studies will not only provide new insights into the basic molecular mechanisms regulating HSC self-renewal, but also have clinical applications in the development of new strategies for treating HSC-related morbidity. 

  (2) The secondary research interest in our lab is to generate “Humanized” mouse models of infectious viral infection for characterization of viral pathogenesis, vaccine development and anti-viral drug discovery. 

  Infectious viral diseases are serious threats to public health. Mouse models are important tools for studies of viral pathogenesis, preclinical evaluation of vaccine and antiviral drugs. However, mouse cells are non-permissive to a variety of human infectious viruses, such as Hepatitis C virus, which hampered efforts to establish satisfactory mouse models of human infectious viral infection. We will generate “humanized” mouse models which are able to support human viral infection by introducing human genes into mouse genome. Our study will provide novel mouse models for better understanding of the pathogenesis of human viral infection, as well as the mechanisms of host immune responses to human viruses. Ultimately, intensive studies of those mouse models will facilitate the preclinical research to effective vaccine development and new antiviral drug discovery. 


-- 博士



周培培  硕士研究生  430139-生物工程