
Hui Zhang, PH.D.

Xiaoshan Nanxincun 20, Beijing, 100093

Research Areas

Our group is focusing on developing the methods in Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Secondary metabolites and Chemical composition analysis of natural plant products.


Ph.D.    Biology, Department of Biological Sciences,The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, May 2005

M.S.      Biology, Department of Biological Sciences (Plant Physiology),Beijing University,Beijing, China, June 1998

B.S.       Biology, Department of Biologial Sciences (Plant Physiology),Nanjing University, Nanjing,China, June 1995


1. I have been working on varieties of microscopies, including confocal microscopy, two photon microscopy, transmitted light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy in past 19 years;

2. I have been a expert in Real-time video imaging, Image processing, Imaging data analysis, use of DIAS (Dynamic Image Analysis System), Metamorph programming and General imaging computer softwares including photoshop, canvas, adobe premier and NIH imaging;Expert in designing Cdc42 biosensor and Fret probes and their application in live animal and plant systems.

3. In my past studies, I have been using different biological techniques,including explore the FACs, basic techniques in molecular biology and animal cell culture, advanced techniques in protein biochemistry including protein immunoprecipitation and pull-down Assay.

4. Currently, my research group is focusing on designing the experimental protocols to explore natural products in different plants and combining the microscopical approaches with bioinformtic approaches to dig out molecular regulatory mechanisms in plant development.

Work Experience

Sep. 2012Present             Professor, Core Facility, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Feb. 2009Aug. 2012         Imaging Specialist, Department of Ophthalmology, the University of California at San Fransisco

Apr.  2005 –Feb. 2009         Research Associate,  Department of Immunology, the Scripps Research Institute


[1] 张玲,徐宗大,汤腾飞,张辉,赵兰勇,‘紫枝’玫瑰(Rosa rugosaZi zhi’)开花过程花青素相关化合物及代谢途径分析,中国农业科学2015, Vol. 48 (13): 2600-2611

[2] Ma Y., Dai X., Xu Y., Luo W., Zheng X. , Zeng D. , Pan Y. , Lin X. , Liu H., Zhang D. , Xiao J. , Guo X., Xu S., Niu Y., Jin J., Zhang H., Xu X., Li L., Wang W., Qian Q., Ge S., Chong K. COLD1 Confers Chilling Tolerance in Rice. Cell, 2015, 160, 1–13

[3] Yu P, Yuan J, Zhang H, Deng X, Ma M, Zhang H.Engineering metal-binding sites of bacterial CusF to enhance Zn/Cd accumulation and resistance by subcellular targeting. J Hazard Mater. 2015 Sep 28;302:275-285

[4] Ricardo Lamy , Elliot Chan, Zhang H., Vasant A. Salgaonkar, Sam D. Good, Travis C. Porco, Chris J. Diederich, Jay M. Stewart. Ultrasound-enhanced penetration of topical riboflavin into the corneal stroma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2013 Aug 28, 54(8): 5908-12.

[5] Gianni D, Taulet N, Zhang H., DerMardirossian C, Kister J, Martinez L, Roush WR, Brown SJ, Bokoch GM, Rosen H . A novel and specific NADPH oxidase-1 small-molecule inhibitor blocks the formation of functional invadopodia in human colon cancer cells. ACS Chem Biol., 2010, Oct 15 5(10):981-93

[6] Zhang H., Chunxiang Sun, Michael Glogauer and Gary M. Bokoch. Human neutrophils coordinate chemotaxis by differential activation of Rac1 and Rac2. Journal of Immunology, 2009, 184:2718-2728.

[7] Yuan-chen Chang, Suei-chi Tien, Hwei-Fang Tien, Zhang H., Gary M Bokoch and Zee-Fen Chang. Desensitization of Cdc42 GTPase signaling by p210Bcr-Abl impairs SDF-1 directed migration in chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Oncogene, 2009, 28, 4105–4115

[8] Jill E. Chrencik, Alexei Brooun, Zhang H., Matthews Irimpam, Greg L.Hura, Scott A. Foster, J. Jefferson. P. Perry, Markus Streiff, Paul Ramage, Hans Widmer, Gary M. Bokoch, John Tainer, Gisbert Weckbecker, Peter Kuhn. Structural Basis of Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Mediated by the T-Cell Essential Vav1. Journal of Moleclular Biology, 2008, 380:828-843.

[9] Heid PJ, Wessels D, Daniels KJ, Gibson DP, Zhang H., Voss Ed and Soll DR, The Role of Myosin Heavy Chain Phosphorylation in Dictyostelium Motility Chemotaxis and F-actin Localization. J Cell Sci, 2004, 117:4819-35.

[10] Zhang H., Heid PJ, Wessels D, Daniels KJ, Pham T, Loomis WF, Soll DR. Constitutively Active Protein Kinase A Disrupts Motility and Chemotaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum. Eukaryot Cell, 2003, 2: 62-75. (Paper selected in the journal highlight section in ASM news, February 2003)

[11] Soll DR, Wessels DJ, Heid PJ and Zhang H. A contextual framework for characterizing motility and chemotaxis mutants in Dictyostelium discoideum. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 2002, 23:659-672.

[12] Zhang H., Wessels DJ, Fey P, Daniels K, Chisholm RL, Soll DR, Phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain plays a role in motility and polarity during Dictyostelium chemotaxis. J Cell Sci., 2002, 115: 1733-47.

[13] Wessels DJ, Zhang H., Reynolds J, Daniels K, Heid PJ, Lu S, Kuspa A, Shaulsky G,Loomis WF, Soll DR.,. The internal phosphodiesterase RegA is essential for the suppression of lateral pseudopods during Dictyostelium chemotaxis. Mol Biol Cell, 2000, 11: 2803-20.


[1] 张玲,徐宗大,汤腾飞,张辉,赵兰勇,‘紫枝’玫瑰(Rosa rugosaZi zhi’)开花过程花青素相关化合物及代谢途径分析,中国农业科学2015, Vol. 48 (13): 2600-2611

[2] Ma Y., Dai X., Xu Y., Luo W., Zheng X. , Zeng D. , Pan Y. , Lin X. , Liu H., Zhang D. , Xiao J. , Guo X., Xu S., Niu Y., Jin J., Zhang H., Xu X., Li L., Wang W., Qian Q., Ge S., Chong K. COLD1 Confers Chilling Tolerance in Rice. Cell, 2015, 160, 1–13

[3] Yu P, Yuan J, Zhang H, Deng X, Ma M, Zhang H.Engineering metal-binding sites of bacterial CusF to enhance Zn/Cd accumulation and resistance by subcellular targeting. J Hazard Mater. 2015 Sep 28;302:275-285

[4] Ricardo Lamy , Elliot Chan, Zhang H., Vasant A. Salgaonkar, Sam D. Good, Travis C. Porco, Chris J. Diederich, Jay M. Stewart. Ultrasound-enhanced penetration of topical riboflavin into the corneal stroma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2013 Aug 28, 54(8): 5908-12.

[5] Gianni D, Taulet N, Zhang H., DerMardirossian C, Kister J, Martinez L, Roush WR, Brown SJ, Bokoch GM, Rosen H . A novel and specific NADPH oxidase-1 small-molecule inhibitor blocks the formation of functional invadopodia in human colon cancer cells. ACS Chem Biol., 2010, Oct 15 5(10):981-93

[6] Zhang H., Chunxiang Sun, Michael Glogauer and Gary M. Bokoch. Human neutrophils coordinate chemotaxis by differential activation of Rac1 and Rac2. Journal of Immunology, 2009, 184:2718-2728.

[7] Yuan-chen Chang, Suei-chi Tien, Hwei-Fang Tien, Zhang H., Gary M Bokoch and Zee-Fen Chang. Desensitization of Cdc42 GTPase signaling by p210Bcr-Abl impairs SDF-1 directed migration in chronic myeloid leukemia cells. Oncogene, 2009, 28, 4105–4115

[8] Jill E. Chrencik, Alexei Brooun, Zhang H., Matthews Irimpam, Greg L.Hura, Scott A. Foster, J. Jefferson. P. Perry, Markus Streiff, Paul Ramage, Hans Widmer, Gary M. Bokoch, John Tainer, Gisbert Weckbecker, Peter Kuhn. Structural Basis of Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Mediated by the T-Cell Essential Vav1. Journal of Moleclular Biology, 2008, 380:828-843.

[9] Heid PJ, Wessels D, Daniels KJ, Gibson DP, Zhang H., Voss Ed and Soll DR, The Role of Myosin Heavy Chain Phosphorylation in Dictyostelium Motility Chemotaxis and F-actin Localization. J Cell Sci, 2004, 117:4819-35.

[10] Zhang H., Heid PJ, Wessels D, Daniels KJ, Pham T, Loomis WF, Soll DR. Constitutively Active Protein Kinase A Disrupts Motility and Chemotaxis in Dictyostelium discoideum. Eukaryot Cell, 2003, 2: 62-75. (Paper selected in the journal highlight section in ASM news, February 2003)

[11] Soll DR, Wessels DJ, Heid PJ and Zhang H. A contextual framework for characterizing motility and chemotaxis mutants in Dictyostelium discoideum. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 2002, 23:659-672.

[12] Zhang H., Wessels DJ, Fey P, Daniels K, Chisholm RL, Soll DR, Phosphorylation of the myosin regulatory light chain plays a role in motility and polarity during Dictyostelium chemotaxis. J Cell Sci., 2002, 115: 1733-47.

[13] Wessels DJ, Zhang H., Reynolds J, Daniels K, Heid PJ, Lu S, Kuspa A, Shaulsky G,Loomis WF, Soll DR.,. The internal phosphodiesterase RegA is essential for the suppression of lateral pseudopods during Dictyostelium chemotaxis. Mol Biol Cell, 2000, 11: 2803-20.

Research Interests

Our group is focusing on developing the methods in Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Secondary metabolites and Chemical composition analysis of natural plant products.


Bruno M Humbel, Facility Director, The Electron Microscopy Facility, at Lausanne University, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Xijun Zhang, Senior Bioinformatics Analyst, National Cancer Institute, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Lecia Microsystem, Joint laboratory at IBCAS



汤腾飞  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  

汪爱民  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  

韦术敏  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  


林成  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程  

俞旭昶  硕士研究生  085238-生物工程