Jose Ahimsa Campos Arceiz  男  博导  中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园
电子邮件: ahimsa@xtbg.ac.cn
通信地址: 中科院西双版纳热带植物园




2006-04--2009-05   The University of Tokyo,Japan   博士
2004-04--2006-05   The University of Tokyo,Japan   硕士
1995-09--2000-05   University of Santiago de Compostela   本科


2018-09~2020-02,University of Nottingham Malaysia, Professor
2011-06~2013-04,University of Nottingham Malaysia, Assistant Professor
2009-05~2010-01,National University of Singapore, Research Fellow
2020-03-01-今,诺丁汉大学马来西亚分校, 兼职教授


Environmental Science and Scoiety
Introduction to Tropical Conservation Science
Tropical Ecology


(1) Connect elephant habitats in Asia, Science, 2023, 第 4 作者
(2) Sundaic elephants prefer habitats on the periphery of protected areas, Journal of Applied Ecology, 2022, 第 7 作者  通讯作者
(3) China's wandering elephants: Integrating exceptional movements into conservation planning, Integrative Conservation, 2022, 第 1 作者
(4) Broad scale functional connectivity for Asian elephants in the Nepal-India transboundary region, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 第 4 作者  通讯作者
(5) There will be conflict - agricultural landscapes are prime, rather than marginal, habitats for Asian elephants, ANIMAL CONSERVATION, 2021, 
(6) The return of the elephants: How two groups of dispersing elephants attracted the attention of billions and what can we learn from their behavior, CONSERVATION LETTERS, 2021, 
(7) The ability to disperse large seeds, rather than body mass alone, defines the importance of animals in a hyper���diverse seed dispersal network, Journal of Ecology, 2021, 
(8) Building ecological networks with local ecological knowledge in hyper-diverse and logistically challenging ecosystems, METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 2021, 
(9) A cost-effective approach to mitigate conflict between ranchers and large predators: A case study with jaguars in the Mayan Forest, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 2021, 
(10) Towards tolerable human���elephant coexistence in tropical Aisa, Animal Conservation, 2021, 
(11) The return of the elephants: How two groups of dispersing elephants attracted the attention of billions and what can we learn from their behavior, Conservation Letters, 2021, 第 1 作者  通讯作者
(12) Multi-scale habitat modeling identifies spatial conservation priorities for clouded leopards (Neofelis nebulosa)., Diversity and Distributions, 2020, 第 1 作者
(13) Factors affecting urban and rural tolerance towards conflict-prone endangered megafauna in Peninsular Malaysia, GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 2020, 
(14) Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development under the Belt and Road Initiative, ENVIRONMENTS, 2019, 
(15) Using elephant movements to assess landscape connectivity under Peninsular Malaysia's central forest spine land use policy, CONSERVATION SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 2019, 
(16) Speed up hunt for new rhino home, NATURE, 2019, 
(17) Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil, FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE, 2019, 
(18) Striking underrepresentaaon of biodiversity-rich regions among editors of conservaaon journals, Biological Conservation, 2018, 第 1 作者
(19) Why did the elephant cross the road? The complex response of wild elephants to a major road in Peninsular Malaysia, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 2018, 
(20) Megagardeners of the forest ��� the role of elephants in seed dispersal, ACTA OECOLOGICA, 2011, 
(1) Viability of abalone culture in Galician Coasts, NW Spain, Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery and Food, 2005-09, 第 5 作者


( 1 ) 云南省“兴滇英才支持计划”高端外国专家项目, 负责人, 地方任务, 2022-10--2025-10
( 2 ) 亚洲大型动物生态学和保护项目, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2022-06--2022-06
( 3 ) 东南亚生物多样性研究中心核心团 队项目, 负责人, 研究所自主部署, 2020-08--2024-12
( 4 ) Management & Ecology of Malaysian Elephants Phase III, 参与, 其他国际合作项目, 2020-06--2022-12
(1) the 55th global meeang of the Associaaon for Tropical Biology and Conservaaon (ATBC)   2018-06-06
(2) SC member at annual meeang of the Associaaon for Tropical Biology and Conservaaon (ATBC), Asian Chapter   2017-03-25



刘恒源  硕士研究生  071300-生态学  

于潇雨  博士研究生  071300-生态学