朱伯靖 男 硕导 中国科学院云南天文台
电子邮件: cynosureorion@ucas.ac.cn
通信地址: 云南省官渡区羊方旺396号中国科学院云南天文台主楼509
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月球热演化及其相关问题(深源月震、月球磁场演化等);强震同震电磁破坏机理;地球深部水 [H+, (OH)-, (H3O)+, 1500 °C &1~10 GPa]演化
王智禾 硕士 在读
付泽华 硕士 在读
马志阔 硕士 在读
李立强 硕士 协助林隽研究员 指导该生3个月学习数值计算基本知识
刘旭耀 硕士毕业 与石耀霖院士共同培养
程慧红 博士毕业 协助石耀霖院士
柳畅 博士毕业 协助石耀霖院士
任天翔 硕博毕业 与石耀霖院士共同培养
陶莎 博士毕业 协助石耀霖院士
支羽箫 博士毕业 协助石耀霖院士
窦甜甜 博士毕业 协助程慧红副教授
赵洋 博士在读 协助李永兵副教授
郭雨丰 硕士毕业 协助王武副研究员
部分论文论著 (2010~ 详见: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bojing_Zhu/; https://publons.com/researcher/1750739/bojing-zhu/publications/)
B.J.Zhu, C.B.Hu, Y.Y.Xu, Y.L.Shi, G.F.Wei, J.H.Zhang, J.Li, Y.An, T.Y.Zhu., eds.New advances in lunar and related planetary studies. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. 2024.Doi: 10.3389/978-2-8325-4904-9.
朱伯靖,李燕,马志阔,颜辉,钟英,王武,郭雨丰,郑亮,David A Yuen. 2023.基于国产异构平台暨等离子体统计物理的高能粒子空间天气灾害预警软件/Software development of GeV-level-SEPs-induced extreme space weather disasters with plasma statistical physics theoretical model on domestic DCU accelerator heterogeneous supercomputer, 中国核科学技术进展报告:计算物理/Progress Report on China Nuclear Science &Technology: Computational Physics,2024. No2032,1-49.
陶莎, 石耀霖,朱伯靖*. 2023. 月球冷却过程中的热应力与月震机制之间关系的初步分析/Preliminaryanalysisoftherelationshipbetwenthethermalstresofthe Moonincooling proces sand moonquake mechanisms, 地球物理学报/Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2023. 66(9).3730-3746, Doi:10.6038/cjg2022P0672.
B.J.Zhu., Z.K.Ma., Y.Li., H.Yan., Y.Zhong., W.Wang., Y.F.Guo., L.Zheng., Z.H.Fu.,An analysis of plasma statistics physical model for solar flare-CME-induced extreme SEPs forecasting: identifying producing source and origin. 19th European Space Weather Week,20-24 November 2023,Toulouse, France.https://esww2023.
B.J.Zhu., Z.K.Ma., Y.Li., H.Yan., Y.Zhong., W.Wang., Y.F.Guo., L.Zheng., Z.H.Fu.,Software development of GeV-level-SEPs-induced extreme space weather disasters with plasma statistical physics theoretical model on domestic DCU accelerator heterogeneous supercomputer, UK Space Weather and Space Environment Meeting I: Transitioning from the SWIMMR Space-Weather Programme, 12-15 September 2023, Leonardo Hotel Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2023/
B.J.Zhu., Z.K.Ma., Y.Li., H.Yan., Y.Zhong., W.Wang., Y.F.Guo., L.Zheng., Z.H.Fu.,An analysis of plasma statistics physical model for solar flare-CME-induced extreme SEPs forecasting: identifying producing source and origin. , UK Space Weather and Space Environment Meeting I: Transitioning from the SWIMMR Space-Weather Programme, 12-15 September 2023, Leonardo Hotel Cardiff, Cardiff, UK, https://iop.eventsair.com/ukswse2023/
B.J.Zhu., Z.K.Ma., Y.Li., H.Yan., Y.Zhong., W.Wang., Y.F.Guo., L.Zheng., David A Yuen, Fine-structure investigation of 3D solar flare LTSTMR induced extreme space weather SEPs with RHPIC-LBM on heterogeneous GPU cluster. European Conference on Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma (ECMRP2023), Marseille, May 23-26, 2023.1-19.
B.J.Zhu., Z.K.Ma., Y.Li., H.Yan., Y.Zhong., W.Wang., Y.F.Guo., L.Zheng., David A Yuen, Scalable Simulations of 3D Turbulence Fine Structure in Nanoflare Using a Novel Plasma Statistical Algorithm. 2023.Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications(ICSTA’23). DOI: 10.11159/icsta23.122.https://avestia.com/ICSTA2023_Proceedings/files/paper/ICSTA_122.pdf
朱伯靖,马志阔,李燕,颜辉,钟英,王武,郭雨丰,郑亮,David A Yuen.基于C86异构超算平台暨RHPIC-LBM的太阳耀斑-CME过程GeV能级高能粒子空间天气灾害研究.第十一届全国空间环境及其应用专题研讨会 2023.3.21-3.24 海口 https://202211.casconf.cn/.
王武,朱伯靖,郭雨丰,基于HIP的异构并行LBM三维流体模拟软件[简称:HIP-LBM3D],2023SR0533996, 原始取得,全部权利,2023-03-06.
C.Liu, B.J.Zhu, Y.L.Shi, Do the Two Seismic Gaps in the SouthwesternSection of the Longmen Shan Fault Present the Same Seismic Hazard?.Journal Geophysical Research Solid Earth,125(3),1-23. Doi: 10.1029/2019JB018160
B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, Y.Zhong, J.K.Chen, Y.F.Du, H.H.Cheng, Dave.A.Yuen, Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its application in large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection. Part II. Role of turbulence in the flux rope interaction. Applied Mathematical Modelling.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2019.05.027
BJ Zhu, H Yan, Y Zhong, JK Chen, YF Du, HH Cheng, DA Yuen.,Relativistic HPIC-LBM and its Application in Large Temporal-spatial Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection. Part I. Model Development and Validation. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 87 932-967 2020. Doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.09.043.
B.J.Zhu, H.Yan, David.A.Yuen, Shi YL. Electron acceleration in interaction of magnetic islands in large temporal-spatial turbulent magnetic reconnection.Earth and Planetary Physics,3(1),17-25. Doi:10.26464/epp2019003.
C.Liu, P.Y.Dong, B.J.Zhu, Y.L.Shi.Stress Shadow on the Southwest Portion of the Longmen Shan Fault Impacted the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Rupture.JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH,123(11),9963-9981.Doi:10.1029/2018JB015633.
H.H.Cheng, B.J.Zhu*,Yuen, David A., Y.L.Shi,.Submicron size-scale mapping of carbonate effective elastic properties from FIB-SEM images and finite element method.SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES,60(3),557-575. Doi:10.1007/s11430-015-0132-9.
BJ Zhu, J Lin., Applications and Development in Particle-in-Cell Methods for Investigating Large-Scale Turbulent Magnetic Reconnection. Progress in Astronomy. 34(4):459-476. 10.3969/j.issn.1000-8349.2016.04.08(In Chinese)
HH Cheng, BJ Zhu*, Dave.A.Yuen, YL Shi., Submicron size-scale mapping of carbonate effective elastic properties from FIB-SEM images and finite element method. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. Doi:10.1007/s11430-015-0132-9.
C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Shi., Lithospheric rheology and Moho upheaval control the generation mechanism of the intraplate earthquakes in the North China Basin. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.121:153-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.008
C Liu, BJ Zhu, XL Yang., Geodynamic Background of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Based on 3D Visco-elastic Numerical Modelling. Physics of The Earth and Planetary Interiors 252.121:153-164. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.03.008
C Liu, BJ Zhu, XL Yang, How does crustal shortening contribute to the uplift of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau? Journal of Asian Earth Sciences[J]. 98, 18-25
SQ Liu, FL Yin, BJ Zhu, YL Shi., Numerical simulation on the formation of cold seepage, 58(5):1731-1741.Chinese Journal of Geophysics. DOI: 10.6038/cjg20150523.
C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Yang., Crustal rheological strength heterogeneities control the formation of continental plateau margins.107.62-71. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.04.005
BJ Zhu*, Dave.A.Yuen, YL Shi, HH Cheng, Submicron volume roughness & asperity contact friction model for principle slip surface in flash heating process. Journal of Earth Science.26(1) 96-107. DOI: 10.1007/s12583-015-0514
C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Yang, YL Shi., Crustal rheology control on earthquake activity across the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights from numerical modelling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences100,82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.01.001
YB Li, BJ Zhu*, Three-dimensional pore-network cracks transient hydrofacturing-liquefaction in tight sandstone under seismic wave&electro-magneto-thermo-elastic fields. Scientific Journal of Earth Science[J]. 4(2), 37-54.
C Liu, YL Shi, BJ Zhu, XL Yang. Crustal rheology control on the mechanism of the earthquake generation at the Longmen Shan fault. Chinese Journal Geophysics,57(2): 404-418,doi: 10.6038/cjg2014020.
BJ Zhu, YL Shi*. Study of tight sandstone permeability from lattice boltzmann & digital rock model. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 45(3), 384-394.
ZHU Bojing, LIU Xuyao, CHENG Huihong, LI Yong bing, LIU Shanqi, LIU Chang, SHI Yao lin. Application of digital rock technology to saturated rock friction mechanism under high pressure and temperature [J]. Progress in Geophysics, 2013, 28(4): 1689~1699,DOI:10.6038/pg20130408.
Shanqi LIU, Yongbing LI, Junli YANG, Huiquan TIAN, Bojing ZHU, Yaolin Shi. First_principles study of high_pressure stability, structure, and elasticity of FeS2 polymorphs. Phys Chem Minerals [J]. 2013.DOI: 10.1007/s00269-013-0637-x.
HH Cheng, YC Qiao, C Liu, YB Li, BJ Zhu*, YL Shi, DS Sun, K Zhang, WR Lin, Extended hybrid pressure and velocity boundary conditions for D3Q27 Latice Boltzmann model, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 36(5), 2031-2055.
C Liu, BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Stress accumulation of longmenshan fault and recurrence interval of wenchuan earthquake based on viscoelasticity simulation. Geologica Sinica. 86 (01) 157-169.
BJ Zhu, HH Cheng, YC Qiao, C Liu, YL Shi, K Zhang, DS Sun, WR Lin. Porosity and permeability evolution and evaluation in anisotropic porosity multiscale-multiphase-multicomponent structure. Chines Science Bulletin. 57(4) 320-327.
C LIU, BJ Zhu*, YL Shi. Coseismic stress variation and numerical analysis of 2011Jpapan-Honshu 9.0 earthquake. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 55(2), 118-130.
BJ.Zhu, C Liu, YL Shi Y, DS Sun, K Zhang. Application of flow driven pore-network crack model to Zipingpu reservoir and Longmenshan slip. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy(Science in China Series G). 54(8), 1532-1540.
Extended Coulomb failure criteria for the Zipingpu reservoir and Longmenshan slip investigated by researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Science Bulletin 56(31) 3358-3358.
BJ Zhu, YL Shi. Three-dimensional flow driven pore-crack networks in porous composites: Boltzmann lattice method and hybrid hypersingular integral. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 53(1) 9-41.
BJ Zhu, C Liu, YL Shi. Application of hypersingular integral equation method to study earthquake fault in Wenchuan. (In Chinese) Science& Technology Review 28(5) 49-54.
BJ Zhu, YL Shi. TY Qin Shi. 3D crack propagation mechanism of co-seismic slip under P and S wave by time domain hypersingular integral method. (In Chinese) Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 42(3) 456-473.
LN Zhang, TY Qin, XJ Li, BJ Zhu .Fracture of electro-magneto-thermo-elasto-plastic multiphase composites. (In Chinese)Journal of China Agricultural University 15(4) 130-132.