
LI Xiubin, Professor, Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research  
Address:11A Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing  100101

Research Areas

Land use/cover change


1992, Graduated from the University of Hong Kong (HKU), received his Ph.D degree.

1986, Graduated from the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, received his master degree.

1983, Graduated from the Department of Geography, Beijing Normal University and received a bachelor degree.


Work Experience

1986 - Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1996 - 1997, working at the International Institute of Applied System Analysis, Austria for a short time.

Honors & Distinctions

Vice Chairman of China Geographic Society; Group Leader in Land Change Science, China International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme National Committee.



1.Liangjie Xin, Xiubin Li*. China should not massively reclaim new farmland.Land Use policy,2018,72:12-15. 

2.Tan MinghongLi Xiubin*Yan JianzhongXin LiangjieSun Laixiang.Length of stay in urban areas of circular migrants from the mountainous areas in China.Journal of Mountain Science, 2016,13(5)947-956.

3. Zhang YingLi Xiubin*Song WeiThai Liang.Land abandonment under rural restructuring in China explained from a cost-benefit perspectiveJournal of Rural Studies201647524-532.

4. Tan Minghong, Li Xiubin*.The changing settlements in rural areas under urban pressure in China: Patterns, driving forces and policy implications[J]. Landscape & Urban Planning, 2013, 120(120):170-177.

5. Li Xiubin, X Wang. Changes in Agricultural Land Use in China: 1981-2000. Asian Geographer,2003, 22(1-2): 27-42.

6. Yang Hong, Li Xiubin.Cultivated Land and Food Supply in China. Land Use Policy, 2000,17(2): 73-88.

Research Interests

Primary research interests are regional, rural, and agricultural geography with a specific focus on rural land use change and its ecological and environmental effects.
