
Shipeng Mao  Professor  Academy of Mathematics ana System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Telephone: 01062629285
Address:   Zhongguancun Donlu 55, Haidian District, Beijing
Postcode:  100190

Research Areas

Finite element methods, Computational  Fluid dynamics


 July 2005 -- May 2008, Ph.D in Computational Mathematics, Academy of

Mathematics and Systems Science,  Chinese

Academy of Sciences


Work Experience

April 2019 --, Professor  at  the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, AMSS,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

October 2015 --, Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

February 2014 --April 2019,  Associate professor at  the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, AMSS,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

June 2008 -- February 2014,  Assistant professor at the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, AMSS,  Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

 May 2010 -- April 2012, Senior Research Associate at  Seminar for Applied Mathematics,  ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, host by Prof. Ralf Hiptmair

 October 2008 -- May 2010, Postdoctorant at  INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, France, host by Prof. Roland Becker

Honors & Distinctions

 Prominent teacher award, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2019)

  Membership of Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS (2016)

Prominent teacher of AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015)

Nomination of outstanding doctoral dissertation of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009)

​ Presidential Prize  of CAS, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008)

First prize winner  of the EASIAM student paper competition (2007)

 Prize  of the Baojie  fellowship (2007)

​Presidential Prize  of AMSS, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2007, 2008)

Excellent master thesis of Henan province (2007)

​ Special Prize  of the Liuyongling fellowship of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2006)

​First prize  winner  of The 2nd Paper  Competition for Chinese Young Computational Mathematicians (2005)



薛文东  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  

龙晓念  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  

王晓荣  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  

丁倩倩  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  

孙家奡  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  


奚锐杰  硕士研究生  070102-计算数学  

朱保昶  博士研究生  070102-计算数学  

张铭洋  硕士研究生  070102-计算数学  

蒋廷桢  博士研究生  070102-计算数学