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主要研究计划:(1)微生物合成群落研究【Synthetic microbial community (SynCom)】;(2)大尺度微生物生物地理;(3)长期监测野外控制实验。
PS: 关于自然科学两三语
“九死南荒吾不恨,兹游奇绝冠平生”《六月二十日夜渡海 苏轼》 —— 对自然的探索欲是自然科学的灵魂,其也将回馈探索者珍贵的宝藏;
“五岳寻仙不辞远,一生好入名山游”《庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 李白》 —— 兴趣-激情-耐力决定你在探索自然旅途中的收获、心境和感悟;
“见藐小之物必细察其纹理,故时有物外之趣“《童趣 沈复》 —— 科学研究的目的除了应用还可满足好奇心,物外之趣也很重要;
“为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”《横渠四句 张载》 —— 未必谁人皆可经天纬地,但是一丝萤光亦能尽些许绵薄,家国情怀是弥足珍贵的品质,总能给迷失的自己指引方向。
2024-01-01-今,西南林业大学校外硕士生导师, 硕士生导师
Zhang Y, Hogan JA, Ye Y, Liu X, Song M, Chen J, Sun H. 2024. Decoupled responses of soil microbial diversity and ecosystem functions to successive degeneration processes in alpine pioneer community. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences.
Zhang Y, Liu Y, Sun L, Baskin CC, Baskin JM, Cao M, Yang J. 2022. Seed dormancy in space and time: global distribution, paleoclimatic and present climatic drivers, and evolutionary adaptations. New Phytologist 234(5): 1770-1781.
Zhang Y, Worthy JS, Xu S, He Y, Wang X, Song X, Cao M, Yang J. 2024. Phytochemical diversity and their adaptations to abiotic and biotic pressures in fine roots across a climatic gradient. Science of The Total Environment 927: 172051.
Zhang Y, Hogan JA, Crowther WT, Xu S, Zhao R, Song P, Cui M, Song X, Cao M, Yang J. 2024. Drivers and mechanisms that contribute to microbial β-diversity patterns and range sizes in mountains across a climatic variability gradient. Ecography 2024(3): e07049.
Xu S, Yuan Y, Song P, Cui M, Zhao R, Song X, Cao M, Zhang Y, Yang J. 2023. The spatial patterns of diversity and their relationships with environments in rhizosphere microorganisms and host plants differ along elevational gradients. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1079113.
Chen J, Zhang Y, Zhang H, Schöb C, Wang S, Chang S, Sun H. 2021. The positive effects of the alpine cushion plant Arenaria polytrichoides on insect dynamics are determined by both physical and biotic factors. Science of The Total Environment 762: 143091.
Zhang Y, Qian L, Spalink D, Sun L, Chen J, Sun H. 2021. Spatial phylogenetics of two topographic extremes of the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China and its implications for biodiversity conservation. Plant Diversity 43(3): 181-191.
Zhang Y, Qian L, Chen X, Sun L, Sun H, Chen J. 2022. Diversity patterns of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: a basic study for future conservation efforts on alpine ecosystems. Plant Diversity 44(3): 231-242.
Zhang Y, Chen J, Sun H. 2021. Alpine speciation and morphological innovations: revelations from a species-rich genus in the Northern Hemisphere. AoB PLANTS 13: 3.
Zhang Y, Tang R, Huang X, Sun W, Ma X, Sun H. 2019. Saussurea balangshanensis sp. nov. (Asteraceae), from the Hengduan Mountains region, SW China. Nordic Journal of Botany 37(4): 1-8.
赵仁生,许诗嘉,宋鹏飞,周翔,张亚洲,袁燕. 2022. 青藏高原药用植物分布格局及保护评估. 生物多样性 30(4): 21385.
张亚洲, 王淞伟, 何小芳, 杨杨, 陈建国, 孙航. 2020. 高山垫状植物团状福禄草开花面积与方位随海拔的变化及其适应性初探. 植物生态学报 44(11): 1154–1163.
Chen J, Chen X, Qian L, Zhang Y, Li B, Shi H, Sun L, Schob C, Sun H. 2024. Degeneration of foundation cushion species induced by ecological constraints can cause massive changes in alpine plant communities. Science China Life Sciences 67: 789-802.
Chen X-F, Qian L-S, Shi H-H, Zhang Y, Song M-S, Sun H, Chen J-G. 2024. Allelopathic potentials of surrounding vegetation on seedling establishment of alpine cushion Arenaria polytrichoides Edgew. Journal of Plant Ecology 17(2): rtae026.
Chen X, Zhang Y, Qian L, Zhou R, Sun H, Chen J. 2024. Sex-specific facilitation and reproduction of the gynodioecious cushion plant Arenaria polytrichoides on the Himalaya-Hengduan mountains, SW China. Plant Diversity 46(2): 247-255.
Chen X, Qian L, Zhang Y, Shi H, Sun H, Chen J. 2021. Alpine community recruitment potential is determined by habitat attributes in the alpine ecosystems of the Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains, SW China. Ecology and Evolution 11(23): 17397-17408.
Tang R, Liu E, Zhang Y, Schinnerl J, Sun W, Chen G. 2020. Genetic diversity and population structure of Amorphophallus albus, a plant species with extremely small populations (PSESP) endemic to dry-hot valley of Jinsha River. Bmc Genetics 21(1): 102.
先后获得“朱李月华优秀博士奖”、“云南省生态学会优秀青年学术论文”、“云南省博士后优秀成果奖励”等、入选“彩云博士后计划”,主持多项国家级和省级项目,包括国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、云南省基础研究专项等。2023年以“优秀人才”引进到中国科学院昆明植物研究所工作。 近五年,围绕生物多样性与全球变化主题,以第一或通讯作者在国际主流学术期刊New Phytologist、SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences、Ecography、Science of the Total Environment、Plant Diversity等发表SCI论文十余篇。
1. Prof. Carol C. Baskin、Prof. Jerry M. Baskin (University of Kentucky) 关于种子性状与植物多样性维持机制的合作
2. Dr. J. Aaron Hogan (University of Florida)和 Prof. Thomas W. Crowther ( ETH Zürich)关于微生物多样性维持机制及其功能动态、微生物生物地理、全球变化背景下的微生物响应等。